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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. That's good enough for me....I'm just dying to hear some new material!
  2. So I guess you enjoyed it! Sounds like it was worth 'sliding into town'.
  3. That's why I didn't even bother trying to respond to this survey.
  4. I already got mine and paid off a high interest credit card, which feels damn good. Now on to the rest of my debt!
  5. That's how I feel too. I think once I see the songs played live I might have a different take on the record, but for now, it doesn't do much for me.
  6. Well, I'm still not sold on BTCD, and we were going to get Sirens anyway since it had been in the can for a long time before the split, so I'm still mad.
  7. I'm still mad at the Truckers for letting him go but of course I won't miss them when they're coming so close to home.
  8. That's pretty much what I said. "Spin" isn't the word I would use either. But I think they "encouraged" him to rethink his public display of disbelief and anger. In any case, it obviously wasn't a mutual split and he was blindsided.
  9. Whatever. Along with that picture he posted a pretty clear message on MySpace right after it happened and then pulled it off shortly after and replaced it with the "amicable split" explanation, so there has never been any doubt in my mind that someone from the DBT front asked him to change his tune for the benefit of everyone involved.
  10. I was thinking more like "F YOU, MOTHER F-ING BACKSTABBING C*CKSUCKERS!"
  11. I can't post that on an all ages message board.
  12. I loved the sentiment steeped in that picture enough to make it my avatar!
  13. Cruising around on ninebullets.org I found out that in mid January Jason's van was broken into in Sacramento and a bunch of equipment was stolen including the entire drum kit. The drummer got so upset that he quit the band and Dave Bryson from Son Volt is drumming now. I didn't realize that was him last night!
  14. Oddly enough, the Truckers are going to be playing the same place in March, although I don't think they'll have trouble filling it up. I thought it was pretty crappy that they had a poster for the DBT show outside Jason's dressing room. So I pulled it down and took it home. Oh, and the album is coming, and he says it's gonna be a rocker http://www.bostonherald.com/entertainment/...19&srvc=rss And just to point out what someone on ninebullets.org says: But the split was amicable and mutual. Cue up photo of Jason with middle finger extended, holding up Sirens poster.
  15. Eh, I don't put much stock in baby name meanings anyway.
  16. I'll keep an eye out on ninebullets, thanks! Have they been putting up any of Will Hoge's sets? As far as the amount of people, it was a Tuesday night outside of a main tour stop like NY or Boston, so I was actually a little surprised there were even that many people there. He sold out the Bowery Ballroom in NYC which holds appx. 300, so he's doing okay. When we saw him in the middle of last year at a small venue in Northampton MA there were maybe 25 people. But last night, even though there was a small crowd pretty much everyone was singing (some a bit too loud) to most songs. I defini
  17. I have been accused by a certain someone on this board of having an irrational attachment to Family Ties after suggesting Mallory, Elise, and Keaton as possible baby names.
  18. Just saw the show last night. Damn, Jason and his band are incredible. We essentially got two full sets, not a headline split in half between Will and Jason. Will Hoge was pretty great. I had never heard him before. With his band he gave off a big Black Crowes vibe. Lots of southern rock with a soulful Bruce Springsteen raspy type vocal. His band was on the same level as the 400 Unit in terms of skill and general rock-out-ness. Jason has really become a hell of a front man. When we saw him 6 months ago he was not very talkative and seemed like he was a bit uncomfortable with being
  19. Congratulations!!! My first thought after reading Keaton was Family Ties. That tells you which decade I grew up in!
  20. I think she's a very pretty girl but those pictures are unflattering.
  21. Nah, that's just Jason Isbell flipping off the Truckers...totally acceptable.
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