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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. I thought that was Will Ferrell's site. I remember being on there once before when he posted that video of his daughter as the drunk landlord.
  2. I needed that today. Thanks, A-man!
  3. I had to watch it again! That laugh....oh my god!
  4. It's like a new episode of Lost!
  5. Which link are you talking about?
  6. Would you people please stop turning everything into an RTT? Thanks.
  7. Rereading my set from when I was young:
  8. No matter how much or how little I'm getting it will be another step in whittling down my debt.
  9. Alright people, back to the topic. Many new details emerging What I can't figure out is why the masseuse called MK Olsen twice before calling 911.
  10. Damn, that's terrible. What's more terrible is that my very first thought was I hope he finished all his scene work for The Dark Knight.
  11. I didn't say that's the fastest she's ever driven, it's just the fastest she's ever driven legally. Jeez, I can't believe I'm talking about my mother. WHERE DID I COME FROM??!!! OK, back to Star Trek....Wil Wheaton rules!
  12. Right, a '68. She loves that car more than life itself. When we went to FL a few weeks ago I gave her a gift of driving a NASCAR car on a racetrack. I think her max speed was 122, which unfortunately was as fast as they'd let a rookie driver go. She was over the moon. I certainly did not get that speed gene.
  13. Exactly my reasoning. Yous peeples done talk more good than I's does.
  14. That's what my mom drives. She calls it a goat too. Why is that its nickname? Was everybody dyslexic back then?
  15. I see your point. I'll get back in when I think we're near the end of the slump. I just think it's going to get much worse before it gets better.
  16. Thanks, Jen. I'm fine. I wish I had never brought it up though!!!
  17. I guess I just don't understand the logic. I start with X amount of money to invest in the market, which then loses 10% in 3 weeks, which means I now have only 90% of X to invest, and the money I contribute each pay period is less than what is being lost, so every week I have less money than I had the week before. How does this help me when the markets start to make a profit? If I move the money now into areas that are gaining 2% out of areas that are losing 15-20%, when I move it back into the stock market later I'll have more money to give back. I realize that the market has ups and dow
  18. I can't buy in if I don't have any money to buy with. That's how I look at it. I don't think of my 401K as a way to play the market, I think of it as my future happiness. Although I completely understand what you're saying, the prudent side of me just wants to have something there to gamble with if I want to. Right now I'm just watching the money come out of my paycheck and dissipate into thin air. What I lost since January 1 took me close to a year to put in. Maybe if I wait it out I'll see that money come back but maybe I won't. I'm not willing to just throw my money away. Right now
  19. I know you're right about it being long term, but when I don't know what is going to happen with the housing market or my huge increase in property taxes or my job or blah blah blah.....I'd like to know I've got something there to protect me in case I need it. I would never withdraw from my 401K unless it was absolutely necessary but who knows if it will be absolutely necessary sometime soon. I will switch back to the stock funds when I see a light at the end of the economic tunnel, but for right now I'm happy to be keeping the money I have even if it's only accruing 2% than to be losing a y
  20. I don't know crap about the stock market, but I do know that I've lost 10% of my 401K investment in the first 3 weeks of January when I was up almost 20% for most of last year. I just moved everything out of my diversified fund into bonds and money market in hopes of keeping what's left of it and not losing any more for a while.
  21. Conrad The Great beats Guitar Hero 3 Expert Level As someone who does very well on the Easy level and can't get through a single song on Medium, I have great respect for this kid. I assume he is this good because he is in college and clearly doesn't do anything else all day.
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