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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. Mrs. Peel


    I'll donate again as soon as the restriction on my PayPal is taken off. Lousy bitter ebayer filed a claim against me and I'm still trying to resolve it. Kyle, you can always just take $20 from the monthly fee you pay me to be your internet girlfriend.
  2. I'd have to turn it off. *shudder*
  3. A-man, El Hefe says to tell you that no one on that island is more important than anyone else. Now when you decide on your response, pass me a note in study hall, but write it with your left hand so he doesn't recognize your handwriting. I'll slip it in his locker during lunch.
  4. You've ruined my attempt at making everyone think you were a 6 foot boxer-looking genius. Now you'll just have to settle for genius.
  5. I guess I'll have to add them to the list then, thanks. BTW, the Inquisition LP "Revolution, I Think It's Called Inspiration" was remastered and rereleased.
  6. I stopped paying attention after The Gray Race...should I be diving into their later catalog? I still listen to Suffer, Against The Grain, and Stranger Than Fiction pretty regularly.
  7. I thought last night's episode was good but I'm more interested in next week's when we see what happened with the hatch. Looks like the monster is back too.
  8. The Borders near you has about a quarter of the music selection that the Borders near Hartford has. Just thought I'd rub it in.
  9. Thanks, Jeff, for providing me with years of work replacement therapy, and more importantly, some incredible friendships. I don't know what I would do without this place.
  10. I'm the on the right, next to andrewdowdall.....errr....Damien Dempsey. That's my man on the left, but I might cut him out of the picture. I'm going to get as much mileage as possible out of this shot.
  11. You're the second person to warn me about mentioning Cyprus. We spoke for about 5 minutes, mostly about a mutual friend and how insane we were for going to Massachusetts the night before and then driving all the way to Philly. Lovely, lovely man. BTW, he kissed me. :wub :wub
  12. I freaking love the ridiculousness of that show. It also brings back good memories of watching it with my dad every week when I was a kid. Most girls loved Face but I was into Murdoch.
  13. After two solid days of watching the A-Team marathon on TV Land this weekend I can safely say that I saw the commercials for that show at least 167 times.
  14. It only took me a few listens to go from thinking it was "harsh" to thinking it was gorgeous. I guess in some of the stronger songs like Celtic Tiger his delivery can be fierce but intentionally fierce. Here's a taste: Factories It's All Good
  15. Okay, we're officially off our rockers. We're skipping out of work early to drive to the Philly show tonight!
  16. It was in a fantastic small club, but it's off the beaten path. Besides, outside of the major US cities I don't think a lot of people here know him at all. He'll make up for it in December when he plays Rocky Sullivan's in NYC, the bar he worked at when he lived here. He'll definitely be in his element there.
  17. I saw Damo last night....would you believe there were less than 20 people there and you could hear a pin drop through the entire show? He was fantastic, of course, but it was a big difference from seeing him in an Irish bar in NYC a few months ago!
  18. http://www.ufomusic.com/news_detail.php?id=152
  19. I saw them too but later on in their lifespan. He's so young!! Are you visible in any of the videos Kate?
  20. I missed it! I missed it! So sorry, I was taking up a collection for your present!
  21. I watched an inhuman number of A-Team episodes during this weekend's TV Land marathon. Even after hearing it 18-33 times in one weekend, it's still one of my favorite theme songs of all time. Highlights: "Cowboy George" featuring Boy George playing to a bar full of rowdy cowboys chanting "We Want George!" and cheering wildly for the Culture Club men in dresses. "The Trouble With Harry" featuring Hulk Hogan and William 'The Refrigerator' Perry.....everyone calls Hulk 'Hulkster', even when speaking directly to him ("Thank God you're here, Hulkster!") and even though The Fridge is listed
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