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Everything posted by jff

  1. And "office hours" in which PARENTS feel they have the right to hassle you because little Johnny got a D on his mid-term. Shudder.
  2. Damn. I'd like to have all that stuff.
  3. I couldn't stand Ron at first, but he's become an entertaining character. I could see him up in the balcony like those two old guys on the Muppet Show, heckling throughout the ceremony.
  4. The Franco in drag thing bombed horribly...and deservedly.
  5. Hopefully next year Kent and Vyxsyn from The Amazing Race will host the Oscars.
  6. Are you referring to STP or Violent Femmes? I saw STP once in their heyday. I was never really a fan, but they put on a good show and I ganied some respect from them.
  7. Anyone know how many RPMs you get if you play a 45 with the speed control all the way up? I don't know much about the physics of record grooves, but I don't see any reason why you would HAVE TO have different types of grooves for a modern 78, considering you can play a 45 at significantly higher than 45 RPM, and DJs routinely scratch records at FAR higher than 78 RPMs without destroying needles.
  8. My old stereo which I got from my grandparents had one of those needles that you could flip over. A 78 needle on one side and a 45/33 needle on the other. I wonder if this new 78 will be made in such a way that you can play it with a regular needle. What makes 78s require a special needle? I mean, you can play a 45, and set the speed control on it's fastest setting with no problem.
  9. I probably have the same turntable as you. AT-PL120, or something like that? I forgot it had 78. So, I suppose it's a slightly less stupid idea than I thought it was two minutes ago. Still not exactly a genius move, though.
  10. Stupid idea any way you look at it, but I support their right to make up stupid ideas. They'd probably get just as good fidelity if they did a 12" 45.
  11. Sounds like Murray Wilson is still managing them.
  12. That whole first album is badass. Most of the rest of their output is either spotty or terrible. Me too! And speaking of Anton Fier, I just got this in my inbox this morning (sorry, didn't know where else this info might fit): From the Downtown Music Gallery weekly email: A Message and solicitation from our very great friend Anton Fier "We wish to raise funds for the production of a 10-12 song recording of Kevn Kinney (Drivin N Cryin) and Anton Fier (The Golden Palominos). i've known kevn kinney since 1987. we first worked together when i produced his band, drivin' n cryin's
  13. That's awesome, and I'm happy that I was right. That guitar looks great. I like the amp knobs on the volume and tone controls. I have those on my Muddy Waters tele. How much did that neck cost? I have a spare tele body laying around and might consider using it for a 12 string project.
  14. I thought you meant exactly what you wrote.
  15. Do you have money on this argument, or something?
  16. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/every Every eve·ry (vr) adj. 1. a. Constituting each and all members of a group without exception. b. Being all possible: had every chance of winning, but lost.
  17. Moving the goal posts, are we? As you well know, I had originally replied to the quote below, from Jules: "It is irresponsible, however, to imply that this is the norm in every location outside the US." Last time I checked, Canada and Europe were "location(s) outside the US."
  18. I guess you've never heard of Canada or Europe.
  19. I've seen all of these groups multiple times. All excellent live bands. Living Colour lost something when Muzz Skillings left the band.
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