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Everything posted by jff

  1. I thought it was a serious request, in that the writer would be legitimately happy if people gave this song a break for a while. The writer thought about it, wrote about it and attached numerous links. I don't know what's UNserious about that. I've only heard a few versions of this song, and I very rarely watch singing shows, but if I heard all the versions the writer claims to have heard* I'd be pretty sick of it, too. Having said all that, maybe the writer would be better off if he simply quit wathcing shitty tv shows and movies. *And having said all that, I'd bet a years pay the writ
  2. Thanks! Will listen to that later today.
  3. Did yours stall in the middle of intersections every time it rained?
  4. This weekend I sold a snare drum stand that used to belong to the drummer from the Black Crowes. Back to topic: I like that wagon. Nice color. Way nicer than the death-trap Plymouth Volare I had to drive as a teenager.
  5. jff

    Wilco Vinyl

    I'm going to take back what I said before about vinyl prices. I've been weeding out some LPs this week and I'm seriously considering cashing in. I love high prices. I just need to find a good local source for LP shipping boxes. Anyone want to buy Art Ensemble of Chicago "Urban Bushmen" double LP for $50?
  6. jff

    Wilco Vinyl

    If he considers Bakersfield county "the jam" tell him I have some prime 8-tracks to sell him.
  7. NEVER! You must be new around here. Playing "amateur courtroom" with Lauren is the official pastime of the Via Chicago Forum.
  8. You've used my user name against me at least twice that I recall. What's your reason for doing that? I admit I sometimes say and do foolish things, but making fun of a user name is infantile.
  9. My implication was that those types of lists do not exist (or are extremely uncommon), and therefore, in the context of this thread, your argument was horseshit.
  10. I don't know how to make a spreadsheet or use google docs. I already have a trophy. Third fastest in the county pinewood derby finals. That's enough trophies for me. Anyway, I'm hoping to move this year, so why would I want more junk? I forgot about all those best albums released between 1994 and 2003 lists.
  11. True. I have had zero burritos. Trying to keep it that way.
  12. This thread is about an end of decade list of albums. Who is in context here? Me, or you?
  13. There is no length you won't go to for an opportunity to spew horse shit. Decades, in the sense of measurement of years based on the calendar we currently use, is well defined and is not arbitrary. I don't know when people started saying things like "the 90s" or "the 50s" to BRAND decades, but I think we can all agree it was some time after the concept of grouping numbers into units of ten, beginning with the number one, was invented.
  14. The year 2000 is in the decade which began in 1991. Just as the year 10 is in the decade that began in 1. There was no year zero. Decades are not measured by names such as "the '90s" or "the '40s", they are measured by actual numbers, beginning in the number one and ending in the number ten. To say that new decades begin with a zero, that means that the first decade AD was only nine years long (1-9). Obviously, that's wrong. So, since NPR said "50 Most...of the Decade" and not "50 most...of the (whatever you call the 00s)", NPR is correct in running that article in 2011.
  15. I guess they ran it last year and this year to appease those who know that you start counting with the number one and not zero, and those who do not know that.
  16. Taj might be making a mistake playing on a cruise ship. I've been on (far more than) my share of cruises, and they are almost always crowded with very demanding, self-absorbed, impatient people who love to hang around where live music is being performed and loudly run their mouths. I've never been on a music-themed cruise, though, so hopefully this one will be a little more artist and listener friendly. I still haven't seen Taj. I'll need to correct that at the next opportunity.
  17. jff

    Wilco Vinyl

    Maybe its ironic hipster value will net me $15 or so in trade if I take to the record store in the cool part of town.
  18. jff

    Wilco Vinyl

    Just remembered, I have a Buck Ownes box set. Three 8-tracks, still sealed. The only reason it's still sealed is because I've never owned an 8-track player and I don't know who to give or sell it to.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wro3bqi4Eb8
  20. Keith Richards kicked ass on bass on Live With Me. Love that intro. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ef2nwdSeY5k
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