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Everything posted by jff

  1. $70 is a straight rip-off. $45 is not a good deal. It's only a better price than full retail. Who the hell has $70 (or even $45) to spend on a vinyl version of a live album they most likely already own on cd?
  2. I know this is a song, but is it also an album? Some sort of compilation, maybe? Nels and Mike Watt recorded that song for the Neon Meate Dream of a Octafish Beefheart tribute album.
  3. $45 is what passes for a good deal on vinyl these days?
  4. Our Home Depot's have those, too. I always forget, then I'm kind of bummed because the hot dogs smell so good and I've already eaten lunch. I think it's a smart idea. The average customer is filthy and smelly, so isn't it likely that they'd prefer to grab something quick from an on-site food vendor rather than going into a restaurant and stinking up the place?
  5. Got this from Nels the other day..the bombshell being that Devin Hoff has quit the Singers: A message from Nels: Hi everyone! I am looking forward to another beautiful and jam-packed year. Lots has changed in my world, and life not only goes on, but often positively sparkles.... In early January, I am pleased to announce that Stained Radiance, the improvising duo comprised of 'live' painter Norton Wisdom and myself, has a few East Coast shows on the books. I produced a DVD (directed by Aeght Nign) that represents this unusual collaboration rather well, should you desire to investigate
  6. This is a sad loss. Although everyone points to Trout Mask Replica, just about any of his albums, if they had been his only release, would have earned him legendary status. Check this out if you get a chance:
  7. Purple Rain (and stuff like 1999, Little Red Corvette) was pretty new and exciting stuff for people my age back then. I'm probably somewhat jaded against Prince at this point, and although I'm confident I'll never consider him the most talented popular artist, I admit I might be giving him less credit than he rightfully deserves.
  8. No doubt, Prince has more than two great ones. My wife got to see the Purple Rain tour. She said it was spectacular. When Purple Rain came out, I thought "Let's Go Crazy" was the most exciting thing I'd ever heard.
  9. I like Prince. Let's get that out of the way. I don't mean other musicians are similar to him as a persona. He's somewhat unique as a chracter, but most of the things that have been said about Prince* in this thread could be said, word for word, about, say, Stevie Wonder, Paul McCartney, or any number of other artists. As a man, whatever it is that makes Prince a dick is probably quite common. The only thing unusual about it is that he has the money to fund his quirks, and the fame that gets people to pay attention. Without those things, you're just a run-of-the-mill unemployable menta
  10. - Is adept at guitar, keyboards, bass, drums, vocals and dozen or so other instruments I think I'd place Prince near the top of the heap when it comes to multi-instrumental technical skill. I think Stevie Wonder beats him there, and Paul McCartney is probably his equal. To me, that's Prince's most admirable and unique trait. Nothing else about him, as an artist or as a man, is particularly uncommon.
  11. I'll give him this much...of all the people who are known for playing all (or most) of the instruments on (some of) their albums, he's the best guitarist. Just a reminder, Stevie Wonder still walks the earth. That guy could wipe his ass with Prince and it'd be the best day of Prince's life.
  12. Never been to one of those, but my dad used to take the whole family to Handy City a lot, right after dinner across the street at the local smorgasbord. I remember an old Eckerd Drugstore christmas commercial from the '80s. Christmas is closer than you thii-iink Soooo's Eckerds I saw that commercial the day after christmas once when I was a kid, back when I liked christmas, and I remember thinking "actually, christmas couldn't possibly be farther away."
  13. He's very good and all, but I will never go along with that shit.
  14. I KNEW IT! That IS Vampire Weekend. God, they're annoying. I like those Hyundai commercials, too. Enough-so that I researched who that duo is (Pomplamoose) and checked out some of their work. Good stuff. Her version of Queen's Play the Game is very good.
  15. He could have been a great lead guitarist in a band. It's too late for that now, though. What's that Pink Floyd lyric... Would you exchange a walk on part in a war for a lead role in a cage? I think Mayer chose the lead role in a cage. And now he's stuck.
  16. That was Hanson? I didn't even pick up on that.
  17. Points for the pipe smoking bass player. Negative points for the modern production. It's inconsistent with all those vintage instruments they're playing. Would've been better if the vocals weren't 50 times louder than every other instrument.
  18. If you're talking about "Always on the Run", maybe you liked it because Slash wrote the main riff and played on it. His first album feels more like a Plastic Ono Band ripoff, to me. At least in terms of the sounds of the instruments and the sparse instrumentation.
  19. Not every time. His first and second albums contain several minutes of excellent, genuinely soulful material. But, yeah, he's been absolutely fucking horrible for a long, long time.
  20. I love Trout Mask. It's like a different album every time I hear it. I think it gets singled out because of the cult-like (true) story of it's creation, and the numerous fictional versions (which are mostly bald-faced lies told by the Captain to various music journalists). I like Lick My Decals Off, Baby better, though.
  21. No, but I'd say Living for the City, Superstition, and virtually all of Songs in the Key of Life garnered more respect than most of his early work. No disrespect intended towards the young Stevie, but despite his obvious talent, most of his early material was mass market pop fluff compared to his '70s work.
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