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Everything posted by jff

  1. Seriously people, please name the artist and album title if it isn't obvious.
  2. I had a "Ridin' in my Car with NRBQ" bumper sticker on an old car I used to have until it got stolen. The sticker,that is. Not the car. I theorized that the thief must've thought it said "Ridin' in My Car with NKOTB", as I found it hard to believe that an NRBQ fan would steal a bumper sticker from a fellow fan.
  3. I was only able to remove Bahamas and Jamaica from that list. Every other place I've visited was already removed. Looks like we've been to a lot of the same places.
  4. I've worn out two cassette copies of that one.
  5. I watched Zappa's 1986 appearance on Crossfire this weekend. Classic stuff. http://onemansblog.com/2008/06/16/frank-zappa-defends-free-speech-on-crossfire/
  6. Should I want it to go on forever? That album, while excellent, has some flaws. The drums are way too loud in the mix, for instance. That's the only Petty album I would say that about. I don't know if it's Rick Rubin's fault or Ferrone's. Ferrone seemed to be better integrated into the Petty sound on Echo. Now playing: cd 3
  7. True. I was listening to it on a road trip recently and kept thinking how great most of the songs are, but it started to feel like it was never going to end so I turned it off.
  8. This would be great if it were 15 minutes shorter.
  9. And then she goes on to have the most successful post-Seinfeld TV career out of the whole bunch. In your face working stiffs.
  10. Damn. I vividly remember hearing the news. It's mind boggling how much he crammed into a 52 year life. Has anyone is music accomplished as much in such a short time...or even in 2x or 3x that amount of time? I doubt it. Luckily, I still have 'Tis the Season to be Jelly and the Shut Up and Play Your Guitar 3 cd set with me here at work.
  11. Yeah, that's it, although my church never said "May the Word of God be on my mind, my lips and in my heart." Perhaps they said it in latin. I always thought it was weird that everyone but me knew when and how to do that.
  12. Maybe if you prayed harder he wouldn't have been killed by that commie/atheist Ivan Drago.
  13. I managed to make it through catholic school wothout memorizing that one. What is that symbol catholics make on their face during mass? Not the sign of the cross, the other one. I never learned what that is, despite having gone through years of sunday school, catholic high school, confirmation, etc.
  14. OK, I remember that one.
  15. That praying when things are crappy is more common than praying when things are going well.
  16. I don't recall seeing your name or avatar. If I was ignoring you it was not intentional.
  17. Turns out I was leading the witness, so I'd like this answer stricken from the record... ...as it does not support the conclusion I was attmepting to lead the witness towards.
  18. I don't think anyone said NO vocals from M. The basic backstory is Zooey had some songs, which she played for M. Ward, who thought they were great. Zooey didn't have the confidence or know how to make a record. M talked her into doing a record by promising to work with her on it.
  19. No, I mean did you literally thank God...as in, give Him equal time after the win as you did before the win. At the risk of leading the witness, your answer could go a long way towards proving my point. Answer truthfully.
  20. (God'll probably strike me down for lying, but I'll take back my "see you in another thread" comment.) I've found Presbyterians to be very low key about their religion, relative to other religious groups. There's a house full of them next door to me, and none of them have ever tried to church-chat or proseletize. Maybe it's a southern thing, but in Atlanta Christianity is very much in your face, and you do get hit up by churchies a lot.
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