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Everything posted by jff

  1. "Miller's son, now 13, nearly grew up in the club. "I know it sounds weird, but I'm sad my kids don't have a bar to hang out in," she says. "It was a great environment for him. He would see the bands sound check every day and run around and have a blast."" I got to see this first-hand, and it's my most vivid memory of the one and only time I visited Lounge Ax. I played there in October 1997. After I set up my drums in front of the stage prior to our sound check, Spencer sat down and started playing them. He was just a toddler then, but I remember thinking he had a pretty good grasp on wh
  2. jff


    OK, I'm sold. I love to see a band in which some of the musicians are willing to NOT play all the way through a song. I just ordered a $2 copy of Mars Audiac Quintet. I'll have to find a good/inexpensive copy of Transient Noise Bursts somewhere, but that'll probably be my next pick.
  3. I've decided to make a point of checking out some bands I've overlooked or ignored. One of the first names that comes to mind is Stereolab. What is considered their best album, and which of their releases would be good introductions to their music?
  4. I was actually listening to the interview disc when I posted that, but yeah, powerful stuff all around. Makes me want to get the "How the West Was Won" live cd.
  5. I love the Classic Albums series. If you liked that, you should check out the Dub Room Special dvd. It has he best Zappa live performances I've ever seen.
  6. I've heard one Sarah Jarosz song. I liked it.
  7. I agree, but I imagine the board of the HOF knows that the British Invasion bands still attract a lot of interest relative to the other types of acts that typically get inducted. They are probaly methodically inducting one every year or two just to cash in (so to speak) on the interest they generate. If the HOF next year inducts, say, Laura Nyro, an obscure but important bluesman, an obscure but important female R&B singer from the 50s, a 100 year old recording engineer and Whitesnake, how much interest will that generate?
  8. No, but OMFG does play a huge role on those photos.
  9. It's probably really windy up there, so it could easily happen. Plus, you'd likely be shaking with fear, making it more likely that you'd spasm and fall. On a similar note, I was recently looking at some Life Magazine photos of the construction of the Empire State Building. Scary and amazing. EDIT:
  10. I thought this thread was about REMOVING countries you have visited from the list. Am I mistaken? EDIT: Nevermind. I reread the first post. I guess I found the first version more interesting. EDIT 2: Apparently, I forget that I have added countries to the list in this thread.
  11. I was going to say Blue Sky, but then I decided I'd only name one solo in this thread. But then I changed my mind and started naming a bunch of other solos and forgot to mention Blue Sky.
  12. Black Sabbath's "Planet Caravan" is one of my favorite long-form guitar solos. I'm kind of surprised nobody has mentioned John, Paul and George's classic solo battle on "The End."
  13. Richard Thompson - Shoot Out the Lights Everything about this solo is glorious.
  14. In my mind, buying something at a drive-through liquor store most definitely puts you in the "been there" slot. Perhaps that's because I live in a state with few, if any, drive through liquor stores.
  15. My rule states that the minimum requirement is that you have to buy something. Most often, that means stopping for gas. This forces you to have interaction with a local (at least it did when I made up the rule, which was before pay at the pump was invented). Airports don't count.
  16. Maybe Prince said "I don't know that song", or something similar, meaning "I don't know how to play it." What was his actual statement/quote?
  17. American Samoa Argentina Australia Austria Bahamas, The Barbados Belgium Belize Bosnia and Herzogovina Canada Chile Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Egypt Estonia Finland France Germany Guam Hungary Israel Ireland Italy Jamaica Japan Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxemborg Mexico Morrocco Netherlands New Zealand Norway Peru Poland Portugal Russia Slovakia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom United States Uruguay Vatican City Virgin Islands Added Jamaica and The Bahamas... EDIT: and Virgin Islands
  18. Not a bad cover. I've never heard her albums, aside from the hits, but the Little Willies album is pretty fun.
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