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Everything posted by jff

  1. I'd like to get a basic, inexpensive and easy to use drum machine. Anyone have a recommendation. New or used is ok. Inexpensive = $100-ish
  2. OK, so that makes at least 11 songs in their catalog with parentheses. How many albums do they have? No band should have more than one parenthetical song title per album.
  3. Have you seen this documentary? "Rockin' at the Red Dog." I have it on my Netflix queue, and I'm dying to see it.
  4. Agreed. In Prince's case, he was a known commodity before taking on an unpronouncable sylable, so it's not like there was any confusion about what or who that symbol represented.
  5. In the realm of Zappa & Beefheart is Hampton Grease Band "Music to Eat".
  6. This one has some pretty psychedelic stuff, particularly "Nazz Commercials": Nazz From Philadelphia
  7. I love Nazz. What album is that? I have all their stuff, I think, but none of the album covers look like that.
  8. Parentheses are not annoying. Naming your band !!!, now THAT is annoying.
  9. Me too. Unfortunately, Embryonic Journey skips, so I usually listen to Surrealistic Pillow on CD. My vinyl collection dwarfs my cd collection, which I love, but I wish I had "After Bathing at Baxters" (among many other things) on cd so I could listen to it at work. I've owned both of those albums on cassette, vinyl and cd (two cds in the case of Surrealistic Pillow...that was the first cd I ever bought and I recently got a newer version.)
  10. A Simple Desultory Philippic (Or How I was Robert MacNamara'd into Submission)
  11. Whoa, I've never even considered looking for a Guild. Somehow they've been totally off my radar. I'm definitely going to keep them in mind next time I get obsessed with buying another instrument.* Jerry Garcia is another guy who played a Guild. I think he had a Starfire during the early Dead era. *EDIT: OK, now I'm getting obsessed:
  12. As inspired by the psychedelic thread, my listening today includes:
  13. Pretty Things: "S.F. Sorrow" deserves mention.
  14. Why don't you take every fourth word of your post and see what you come up with. If that's no good, try every sixth word. Or every tenth word. Then try it backwards.
  15. Yeah, I know what you mean. My post wasn't meant as a criticism, more like just thinking aloud. I think tracing the influences should play a pretty major role in a music history class, both to show how musical elements from one era tend to reappear or evolve, and to try to trace the developement of new genres or styles. Sounds like the teacher is not taking a strict chronological approach, which is different and probably more interesting than any history class I've ever taken. I'm curious if this class has an "essentials" list for each era or style of music that is studied.
  16. It's not perfect. Some of Verlaine's singing is a bit off, but overall it's mostly excellent. I got this at a Richard Lloyd show earlier this year. It's mostly songs from the reunion album, plus a few from Marquee Moon. The newer meaterial holds up quite well next to the classics.
  17. I think it's pretty clear that the teacher was dealing with the "psychedelic era", which mostly took place in the mid/late '60s. Sticking with the '60s, for now, will allow the teacher (if he's worth his salt) to show how that music influenced later musical styles once he gets to that era later in the semester. This is a history class and history classes are usually chronological. Arguing that the teacher should be discussing the Stone Roses alongside Pink Floyd is no different than saying the teacher should talk about the Stray Cats alongside Carl Perkins.
  18. That's a pretty good list, but it always rubs me the wrong way when "essential" lists include compilations, as is the case with Jefferson Airplane Loves You. I've never heard of the Misunderstood. Are they any good?
  19. Television: Live at the Academy 1992 Polvo: In Prism
  20. Ike and Tina: It's Gonna WOrk Out Fine For God's sake, people. This should have been in the first post.
  21. To be fair to Mind Games, that's the one I've listened to the least. I've never thought about it in that way. It'll probably grow on me as I listen to it more. Maybe I'll listen to it when I get home.
  22. Soundgarden? I don't know, that's the only band I that comes to mind who is associated with Guild.
  23. Me too. It's no Plastic Ono Band, but I'd rather listen to it than Walls and Bridges or Mind Games.
  24. Rock*a*Teens - Baby a Little Rain Must Fall
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