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Everything posted by jff

  1. I think this one is argualbly the best book, period.
  2. The Real Frank Zappa Book Bill Harkleroad - Lunar Notes: Zoot Horn Rollo's Captain Beefheart Experience Kristin Hersh - Rat Girl
  3. Every Wilco show will feature one member of Tweedy prominently. Very prominently.
  4. Rumor has it at least one member of Tweedy wil play the whole show with them.
  5. I wish they had done this while Pete Quaife was still alive.
  6. I'm not sure if these are possible, but the original Feelies, and the original Modern Lovers.
  7. It's a tragic story regarless of what the finer details are. But yeah, it's kind fo bizarre that we've now got a full page on a thread such as this devoted to a band probably none of us were ever true fans of.
  8. I don't know what the true story is, but those allegations were cited to sources somewhat more reliable than Wikipedia.
  9. Wikipedia says: He committed suicide, shooting himself while in the early stages of mental health treatment for alcoholism. That's an awful shame.
  10. That's too bad. This band had potential, and might have been remembered more fondly if their music had been recorded with a less "of its time" production style.
  11. That's definitely true. I've only heard a few Gin Blossoms song. The two that have been mentioned, plus Allison Road. That band had potential and knew how to write a hook. There's certainly a lot of worse songs out there than those three. Didn't their main songwriter die right after they had their hits?
  12. I guess nowadays Cracker would play for a couple hundred. Maybe 500? Spin Doctors probably play for 100 or fewer. Who knows how large of a crowd Gin Blossoms could pull these days.
  13. It's interesting that you mention that. I saw them in Chicago and my memory told me that In Prism was already out, but in fact that was in 2008 and In Prism came out in 2009. Have they toured at all for either of their two reunion albums?
  14. Pere Ubu opened a lot of shows on that Pixies tour. You probably would have remembered them, though.
  15. It baffles me that I already had seen Polvo twice and would still allow myself within 50 miles of the Spin Doctors.
  16. I saw that show. Back then I used to wear short sleeve shirts on top of long sleeve shirts, and I started getting a little too warm so I took off the short sleeve shirt and draped it over my shoulder. Some douchebag ran by and snatched it and ran off, surely thinking it was a Spin Doctors shirt I had just bought. It was a Polvo shirt, like this one except white. I was boiling mad, but I took a little solace in the fact that the thief would have no idea what the shirt he stole was advertising:
  17. I had a Spin Doctors cd at one time. I was into that whole HORDE thing for a year or two. Chili Peppers and Primus both have songs that are good, but I don't think I could make it through a whole album.
  18. Oh sure, I agree. I was just using the Meat Puppets 2 record in addition to that, since that's the record the songs they played on Unplugged originally appeared on.
  19. Definitely true. I'll bet at least 3/4 of the copies of Meat Puppets 2 were sold as a result of Unplugged. I heard they got screwed by SST, so maybe that didn't turn out as well financially as it should have.
  20. The only things I can think of are things I probably never should have fooled with in the first place. Chili Peppers, Primus. That sort of thing.
  21. Does Wilco usually do two shows at Solid Sound? If so, have Wilco do one show, Tweedy do one, and the Replacements do one. Tweedy on the first night, Replacements second night, Wilco third night.
  22. Not counting festival shows, what size venues have they been playing since "reuniting'?
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