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Everything posted by jff

  1. Dave Douglas has done some really good stuff. Anything Brian Blade plays on tends to be good. Jenny Schienman's 12 Songs is good. Mary Halvorson has some good records.
  2. We had a couple teenage girls without costumes come to our house. After we gave both of them candy, they each whipped out a second bag and were expecting more candy. At that point we shut the door in their faces.
  3. Whch is the same amount of original members they had during the Toler Brothers era, and Dickey didn't seem to have a problem being in the band at that time. If ever there was an Allmans tribute band, that was it.
  4. I was obsessed with Cream as a teenager in the late '80s. I got to see Jack Bruce and Ginger Baker in concert during that time, and it was a huge thrill for me to see them. I don't listen to Cream often anymore, but I still love listening to Jack on his Things we Like album, and also on Tony Williams Lifetime's Turn It Over, and the title song from Zappa's Apostrophe.
  5. Knitting hand bags is a more honorable pursuit at this point than playing in the Pixies.
  6. I need to listen to that one again. There are good songs on there, but I never liked it as much as the self titled release. They also have two 7" releases, which are both good.
  7. Will do. I'm sure they'll be happy to know that.
  8. I've listened to that thing so many times. Of course, it helps that I know two of them (well, three, but the third one I know is not on that cd). Hopefully someday a video will turn up of the original lineup playing songs from that album.
  9. ^^ I listened to that Butterflies cd recently. Love that record. I also recently discovered a full show of theirs on Youtue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dq3953ZPXbI
  10. Ex Hex - Rips Dionne Warwick - Dionne!* *Dionne's "This Empty Place" may have been an inspiration for Bull Black Nova. The verses fit together almost perfectly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDFXv2iG0E0
  11. I saw them in Tulsa a couple weeks ago. They had never played in Tulsa, and I had never been to OK. I only know two or three Pearl Jam records, but I recognized most of the songs, so I assume they gave Tulsa a bit of a greatest hits show. Fun show. Well played. High energy Good crowd. A little kid got on stge to play Baba O'Reilly with them. Stage banter was site-specific and not phoned-in. Wah-Wah pedal cam. Lots of guitar soloing. Eddie played guitar for most of the show, which I was not expecting.
  12. I guess "flash in the pan" is sort of a nebulous concept. You say you could see them doing one or two more albums of similar quality. That'd be a four or five album run, which is highly respectable for any band. Pavement only put out five real albums in their career, and it took Wilco almost ten years to get to five albums.
  13. Airline to Heaven sucks. Why is this song on so many of their releases?
  14. Well, they're three albums into their career. Time has already proved me wrong. That was the point of my post.
  15. It's not really heloping that this bitch lied her way onto a cruise ship after handling ebola specimens.
  16. I have to admit, I saw "flash in the pan" written all over these guys last year. I still don't care enough to buy any of their records, but I'm glad for them that they seem to have longer term prospects.
  17. Nonesuch website has it for $75. http://www.nonesuch.com/albums/alpha-mike-foxtrot-lp
  18. Chuck Berry probably thinks that a band like, say, Queen, is not rock and roll.
  19. Depends. Did the rap, disco, etc. acts have a measurable influence on rock? If so, they deserve consideration. The Beatles would easily sail into a Rap Hall of Fame just on the basis of Paul's Boutique.
  20. Well, you're a lot closer than me to being done. We're at the point where we're looking at concert calendars and such to find motivation to travel to new states. We went to Oklahoma and Kansas last week, mainly to see Pearl Jam in Tulsa, but also to see some Route 66 roadside attractions. Hoping to knock two or more states off the list every year so we can be done in five years
  21. As of last week, I'm now at 40 states. ND is one I still need to visit. We're going to try to combine ND (and maybe also SD) somehow with a trip to see a friend in Minnesota next year. We've decided to save Vermont and Maine for our 49th and 50th states. It'll probably be five years from now before we get done since my wife and I have been to a similar number of states, but not the same ones.
  22. I actually have been there (it was boring), but my wife hasn't. Surely there's a college town that decent bands play occaisionally. Maybe I'll go to Louisville and make a micro visit to Indiana.
  23. I'm closing in on my goal to visit all 50 states, and I stilI need to go to Indiana. What are the best cities in the state to see live music, and what are the best venues? Thanks!
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