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Everything posted by jff

  1. I'm going with Brats on this one, but to be fair, I don't know if I've ever had a proper Polish sausage.
  2. I just listened to that the other day for the first time in years. He was a badass, for sure. Rest in Peace, Johnny.
  3. Well, his dad bought him a new high end drumset, so I'd say they're even.
  4. I wonder how much they make from having their music played on restaurant/bar music services. With virtually no exceptions, I hear a Wilco song every time I go to a restaurant. I heard Spiders in a BBQ restaurant yesterday. It was funny because it was playing when we walked in, then we got seated, ordered drinks from the bar, got the drinks, ordered dinner, and had the food on our table before the song was over. But I digress. There's merch, too, but that's probaly not a huge source of income when they're not on tour.
  5. From what I hear, Harvey Weinstein tried to get the director to re-cut the film so it would be more blockbuster-ish, the director refused, and Weinstein responded by pulling the foot long chili cheese dog out of his slimy mouth so he could order his minions to cut the film's distribution. http://screenrant.com/snowpiercer-deleted-scenes-us-theatrical-cut-version/
  6. Under the Dome would be a more thorough approach.
  7. OK then. That is a common phenomenon which I'm certain I've been guilty of participating in at times, but in this case (not that you're accusing me of anything ) I thought she left voluntarily. I had no idea she was banned. I had no idea Jules was banned, either. While I am curious what their exact actions were that got them banned, I don't feel like it's my right to know. I would expect to be told "forum rules were broken" but nothing more specific than that. I was equating "my business" with what I am entitled to know.
  8. I'm not sure what you're asking. They're clearly opposites. I felt like I was being accused of apathy, and I responded by explaining that I am not apathetic.
  9. I don't feel I have a right to know about the bad deeds of everyone who has been nice to me. That's not apathy. I actually assumed she left of her own accord. If I recall, she promised to leave this forum if Wilco made another subpar record. Then Wilco made another subpar record. Then she was gone.
  10. It was a good show, but I was disappointed that they only played three or four songs together.
  11. I probably won't be online tomorrow, and since I started this thread I'll take the liberty of cheating by one day... THROWING MUSES, with TONYA DONNELLY! I've seen Belly in concert and Kristin Hersh in an in-store performance (both were wonderful), but never Throwing Muses, and I never thought I'd see Kristin and Tonya together. Hunkpapa and House Tornado are two of my favorite albums ever, and I enjoy just about everything they've done before and since, so I'm very excited to finally see them together.
  12. Nice! I was supposed to see her in Athens GA on Tuesday, but we had to cancel due to an emergency (which has since turned out for the best) I'll try to catch her next time.
  13. She sent me a bunch of Bennet era concert dvds. That was very kind and generous of her. I don't know what either of them did to get banned. I guess it's not really any of my business.
  14. jff

    Nels Cline

    Article/interview about Nels's upcoming duo dates with Julian Lage. http://www.timescolonist.com/jazz-duo-hopes-to-take-victoria-on-voyage-of-discovery-1.1156612
  15. There was a premature report of Horace's death earlier this year. I was hoping that this report would prove to be premature, too, but I guess it's not to be. RIP Horace.
  16. That's how it was on the Thrak double trio tour. I saw both Atlanta shows. They did one extra encore song on night two (added Talking Drum), and swapped out one or two songs (can't remember which ones...probably something from Three of a Perfect Pair) in the main set. One would think back-to-back shows in the same ciy would be the opportune time to make significant setlist changes, but they didn't.
  17. Thanks! Hopefully they'll rebroadcast it when I have time to watch.
  18. Anyone know what the Dead show was that they were playing on PBS on Monday night? Looked like mid '80s to me, but I only saw a couple minutes of it.
  19. I hadn't thought about that. Maybe they wanted to do a couple shows in a lower profile city to get warmed up.
  20. They used to always come here, but that could be because they rehearsed at Adrian's house in Nashville, so they were already nearby.
  21. I'd travel to see that. As it is, I might not even go if they play their normal Atlanta venue which is as easy walk from my house.
  22. I have no idea what Jakko's voice sounds like, but the songs Belew sings have been the vast majority of their live repertoire for 2/3 of their career. They've played virtually nothing in concert that predates Discipline since DIscipline came out (Of the three shows I've seen, they did Red at all three, Larks Tongue pt. 2 twice, and The Talking Drum once). So, if the'ye not going to be playing the Belew sung songs, they'll either have to look very far into the past, which could be seriously badass, or play all new material (plus, perhaps, the instrumental pieces from the Belew years.)
  23. Yeah, not having Belew in the lineup is a bit weird. He was the longest serving member after Fripp. I wonder how this will affect Fripp's playing. When I saw them on the Thrak and Construction of Light tours, Fripp was doing a lot of heavily processed soundscape type of playing, while Belew played more traditional electric guiar. I'd love it if Fripp would go back to his '70s (or even '80s) playing style. Maybe having Mel Collins back in the group is a sign that he will do that. Who is going to sing? How does Pat Mastellotto manage to stay employed as a drummer in a prog band?
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