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Everything posted by jff

  1. The first show I saw this year was the best. Cate Le Bon. That pattern will very likely repeat next year, as I will be starting things off by seeing The Glands on January 3.. Honorable mentions go to: Ex Hex Rock-A-Teens Sharon Jones & the Dap Kings Television Angel Olsen
  2. Allmans for sure. Dylan, via Mike Bloomfield.
  3. If you're referring to Greendale, that was not a play. That was a NY & CH album and tour in which with the narrative was acted out onstage. I see a world of difference between that and the American Idiot Broadway show. But even if you disagree, surely you would agree that Greendale had nothing to dowith NY getting into the hall. He earned his place in the hall before anyone ever heard of Greendale.
  4. That's about as un-Rock and Roll as you can get. That should disqualify them.
  5. It should be Buddy Guy, but it'll probaly be Johnny Lang.
  6. I expect you'll be proven right. I haven't seen their latest TV series yet, but I think that and Grohl's Sound City documentary will give them a degree of credibility in the eyes of the voters.
  7. Aside from popularity, I don't see them as having done anything noteworthy, or deserving of what is supposed to be the highest honor in rock music. Will Weezer deserve it when their time comes? How about Foo Fighters? Black Eyed Peas? Nothing against any of those bands, but popularity alone doesn't cut it for me.
  8. I wouldn't argue against any of those artists except for Green Day, but having said that, I don't know if I could articulate why SRV/Double Trouble deserves to be in, but Green Day doesn't. SRV's guitar skills aside, both acts are mostly known as popularizers of older musical styles. Exactly like the Stray Cats. So, why haven't the Stray Cats been nominated?
  9. Young guys with the good sense to play music that appeals to young girls. Not sure why I like it, since I'm a 42 year old man. It probably helps that some of these guys work at my neighborhood bar, and are nice fellows. I do genuinely enjoy it, however. http://sealionsmusic.com/
  10. I think that would set a precedent that would quickly reach the point of absurdity.
  11. How do you pardon people who have never been (and almost certainly aren't going to be) charged with a crime?
  12. Got a question? Maybe he'll answer it for you.
  13. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/arts/music/pressplay.html?_r=1& Sounds great so far. Looking forward to picking this up.
  14. http://bigearsfestival.com/ Hopefully this means there'll be some other southern dates. He hasn't played in Atlanta (aside from Wilco shows) in over ten years.
  15. Were any (or all?) of the AM somgs written while Jeff was still in Uncle Tupelo? Stuff he was holding back, perhaps, knowing that UT was on borrowed time?
  16. I'm sure I'd trip and knock a few of these into the pool. Don't invite me over.
  17. We have that. Unfortunately, to date it's only been used by "which kitten is cuter" websites.
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