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Everything posted by jff

  1. "Any idiot can play fuckin' Box Full of Letters."
  2. Donald Fagen: Eminent Hipsters. I'm 3/4 through and it's been a really fun read. His misanthropy is hilarious.
  3. Nels is formally trained in harmonic studies. That fact alone probably explains why he has an approach that is different and more highly evolved/developed than most guitarists. But add to that the following facts: He spent a long time playing acoustic guitar, exclusively. He has spent significant amounts of time during various parts of his career playing punk, new wave, chamber music, prog rock, country, and just about every different style of jazz and improvised music that exists. He's played as a solo performer, as a member of very large ensembles, and everything in between. That a
  4. What was the lineup in '97 and '98? SpeedRacer sent me a bunch of dvds several years ago from the Bennett era. Some of them are probably from those years. I'd be happy to pay them forward now that I've had custody of them for a long time.
  5. Now I'm considering doing a Jazzmaster project with my dad, who is a very talented woodworker. He's not getting any younger, and it'd be nice to have something that we built together that I can use for the rest of my life, and eventually pass down through the family (surely at least one of my nieces or nephews will be into guitars, right?). I figure we can use the body of my Squier Jazzmaster as a template for a new body. This will give us complete freedom of wood choice and paint/stain color. I could get a neck and all the electronics and hardware elsewhere. His name's Brad, so maybe I
  6. This Trump character is a riot. This is the best election cycle since Ross Perot.
  7. I wonder if they invited Crispin Glover.
  8. No, my Jazzmaster is a Squier Vintage Modified. Quite good for a $250 guitar. If I ever get another Jazzmaster, I might get one from MJTele so I can choose the exact color, neck profile, pickups etc http://mjtagedfinishes.com/style_jm.html. . Good luck with your new pickups. I hope they deliver the sound you're looking for.
  9. These jerks would have ti interrupt my new guitar day. They're going to get a nasty letter. I guess I'll just play along.
  10. Can anyone confirm? I was in Macon, GA at the Allmans Museum three weeks ago and the wear patterns on the one Nels is playing don't look like the one they have on display in Macon. Maybe Duane had more than one Goldtop and the one they loan out isn't the one they keep on display at the museum.
  11. This live stream is bringing the album to life for me. The sound quality of the album stream sounds dull through my computer system, and doesn't completely sell me, but this really sets the whole thing on fire. i'm excited to hear the vinyl version since that's by far how music sounds best in my house.
  12. So, I tried out a bunch of things today. A Sheraton with mini humbuckers and a Bigsby. This is the one I was hoping would win me over. It was nice but the neck was too chunky for my liking. Then I tried a Guild Starfire 4, which had a lot of charm, but it was more money than I was prepared to spend. Finally I tried a Casino, which was just as much fun as I remember my old one being, so I worked out a pretty fair trade for my Strat and went home with it. The wife is out of town this weekend, so I'l be turning the amp up and breaking this thing in for the next couple of days,
  13. A lot of this stuff sounds to me like they let the songs write themselves by recording jams at the loft, listened to the tapes, picked out parts they liked, and formed them into songs. As opposed to Jeff sitting down with an acoustic guitar and writing songs from scratch. Although some of it sounds like they/he used that approach, as well.
  14. Listening now. I can only listen for a minute before I have to run, but this is starting out great. Looking forward to hearing the whole thing later,
  15. I'd love to hear it, but I've been waiting for the email for two hours.
  16. My Les Paul is a 1976 Deluxe with mini humbuckers. One of the Sheratons I have my eye on also has mini humbuckers...and a Bigsby, which is pretty intriguing. I understand the non-dog eared P90s will drop right into the routing slots of mini humbuckers. If that's correct that opens up some easy modification possibilities. The same store that has the Sheraton also has a used Casino, so I'll try both, plus whatever else they have that looks interesting. My Jazzmaster has P90s, but that's definitely a different sound than my old P90 equipped Casino.
  17. I don't know about "most" important, but I wish more musicians, including myself, had a more highly developed skill of knowing when not to play.
  18. Having had the Les Paul out for a few days, I'm starting to really warm up to it, but I would trade it for a 335 of similar quality any day, without hesitation. It's funny you mention the John Lennon Casino*. I was considering buying myself one of those right before I got the Les Paul. In the end, my romanticized memories of the Les Paul I had when I was younger (a 1981 Standard, which I got for $500 in 1991) won out. Chasing a memory is not a winning idea. *I used to have a regular Casino, and I regret parting with that. I loved the sound and how light it was. I'm thinking about t
  19. I've tried to make it to the Ryman a couple times, but tickets were too hard to get, or too expensive on the secondary market. I'll keep trying. The Ryman and Red Rocks are my bucket list venues, and not necessarily for Wilco.
  20. It makes sense to vary the setlist when playing a run of shows in one city. What I don't understand is why that isn't their approach to touring as well..At this point, they don't need to have a bunch of songs that are in the show every night. People aren't going to stop going to Wilco shows if they don't get to hear same core of 8-12 staples every time. Maybe they're afraid that varying the sets too wildly would suck them into the jam band world. Now, with regard to some of us feeling like the band is getting stagnant to whatever degree, I think Jeff brought this on himself when he told J
  21. Do the Dead have a history of subpar night 2s? I only got to see them 13 or 14 times, but every time I saw a night one and two of a run, the second night was always a weaker show in terms of song selection, energy level, etc.
  22. How many shows were in the Winterlude run? Anyone have a guess why they feel they need to save material their loyal fans get really excited about for special event shows that the vast majority of their fans won't be able to attend?
  23. What is Winterlude, and what made them so special?
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