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Everything posted by jff

  1. Clinton's communications director was on the George Stephanopoulos show yesterday and made a complete fool of herself. She couldn't string together a single sentence. I thought Clinton gave a really strong debate performance, but watching the way the communication director stammered through the interview, one would think Clinton was about to exit the race in disgrace.
  2. They'll probably put the Steve Miller exhibit right next to the Miles Davis exhibit, just to be dicks.
  3. If I could only listen to music by this year's inductees, or this year's nominees that didn't get in, I'd choose the ones that didn't get in and it's not even close. I'd be perfectly content to never hear another Steve Miller, Cheap Trick, or Deep Purple song,
  4. Yeah, for sure. This could just be my perception, but they seemed to be one of the major players when it came to music videos. That could be a factor that helps them get in when they get nominated.
  5. We just got tickets to see 10 time RRHOF nominees Chic open for Duran Duran. On that note, has Duran Duran ever been nominated? If not, do y'all think they'll get in the first time they're nominated?
  6. I'd rather clean up all that mess than be the bathroom attendant at an Allman Brothers show.
  7. I never listened to this band, aside from their radio hits. Wasn't really my thing. In the '90s, I tagged along with my friend's band, who were playing the "Locals Stage" on the concourse of an STP amphitheater show. Meat Puppets and Jawbox were on the bill, too, so despite my being a non-fan of STP, it was a good lineup overall. Well, damned if STP didn't put on a hell of a show. I still don't listen to them, but I gained a lot of respect for them after that. It's a shame that Weiland wasn't able to survive his demons.
  8. That's too bad for fans, but not surprising. They did a pretty good job letting everyone know it was over during the promo phase of their most recent tour without coming right out and saying it. He's going out at the peak of his success. If we're lucky, we'll all be able to do that.
  9. What do y'all suppose are the odds that Tweedy will use the phrase "from the ashes of Uncle Tupelo" in his book?
  10. Interesting to see Tame Impala and Wilco. Wilco won me back with their new one, and Tame Impala lost me with theirs.
  11. There's a Jazzmaster marked down to $1350. I'm surprised nobody has snatched that one up .
  12. Wow, that was really interesting and well done. I think I'll check out some other exploder sessions. Thanks for posting.
  13. ^^ Damn, I can't believe he played The Supermen. As far as a tour goes, at best, he'll do a show or two in NYC, London, maybe Berlin or Paris. There's no way he'll stage a full tour, but if he does I will be there.
  14. Well, on second viewing, that scene was right after they pointed out that the band had been practicing for something like ten hours straight. It doesn't take very much to make a person frustrated under those conditions. Band practices can be like a movie set. Lots of time spent turning knobs on amps and pedals to find the right sounds, and relatively little actual music making.
  15. What is an AR15 meant to be used for?
  16. Why did Pat slam his Telecaster into his amp in the Cut Your Hair clip?
  17. ^^^ That was a great store. I saw the Breeders play there when Last Splash came out.
  18. Let's just say that a greasy McDonald's bag when lit on fire and thrown into a dumpster can create a raging inferno in under 30 seconds. I skateboarded my ass home from that one in record time, while massive amounts of smoke rose high into the air. Never got busted, though.
  19. We found a garbage bag full of popcorn outside a movie theater one night. So, naturally, we headed straight for an overpass in a remote location and tried to create a popcorn waterfall for cars going underneath to drive through. Luckily, our plan didn't really work out. That could have caused a pretty bad crash.
  20. His numbers might slip a little if he insulted Dolly Parton. Everyone loves Dolly.
  21. I think the reasoning behind manual speed change is that it's one less mechanism that has to be built into the base, allowing the base to be more solid, which cuts down on vibrations. From what I gather, audiophile turntable design is 99% about eliminating vibrations.
  22. TP has referred to Echo as his divorce record, and one made during the darkest period of his life, many times. As for '70s songwriters maintaining quality, nobody can touch Tom Waits. Zero bad albums.
  23. Almost none. I listen a lot when new records come out. But that's not an average month. To be fair to Wilco, though, the same is true for all music. I enjoy, own, and continue to accumulate way too much music to focus on any single artist.
  24. I'm reading Tony Visconti's book, which is mostly about working with Bowie and Marc Bolan. Can't remember the name of it. That's one downside of a Kindle. Yesterday I saw the announcement for the next crop of 33 1/3 book. There's going to be a Modern Lovers book. I was all set to buy it, but unfortunately it won't be out until late next year or early 2017.
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