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Everything posted by jff

  1. Well, damn. The Who has postponed their tour, and that was my reason for coming to Minneapolis. We're still going to visit. Anyone know of any fun events on October 10?
  2. jff

    The Who

    Damn, I hope Roger gets well, for his sake, but also, selfishly, for mine, as I'm traveling to Minneapolis to see them next month.
  3. That's great. I remember the first time I heard a song on the radio that I had played on. That was an exciting moment, and it still makes me feel good that WREK here in Atlanta reruns our in-studio live performance from 1996 every six months or so.
  4. How did you find out they played it? I've been in a few bands that got radio play, but we only knew about it because we'd hear the songs when they came on.
  5. I'm sure time got away from him, and he would have preferred to give more substantive answers. I don't hold it against him. Lots of interesting questions were asked, but I guess they get lost in the barrage of questions that get asked in every interview, and have been answered repeatedly and in depth.
  6. Barrack Obama managed to pull it off. (I'd link to it, but this forum isn't letting me post links for some reason.)
  7. I would have preferred one or two interesting answers from Nels rather than 30 "no we don'ts" and "I'll buy you a taco" type answers. No disrespect to Nels, who I admire and respect greatly, but he wasn't making much effort on this. It'd be nice if Reddit could make the answers highlighted, or bold so these AMA dumpsters would be easier to wade through.
  8. Upon re-reading, Jeff offers more good answers than I first thought. Nels doesn't offer much at all, which Is out of character for him. I suppose he thought the tsunami of questions in this format wasn't conducive to the thoughtful or insightful answers he always gives in regular interviews.
  9. Yes, it'll be available. I plan to read it tomorrow. I'll post a link tomorrow morning if someone doesn't beat me to it.
  10. Someone was on the Reddit music forum last week asking if anyone had contacts with Wilco, in hopes of setting up an AMA with them. Looks like their wish was granted. In part, at least.
  11. I've had eDFROMOHIO in the audience a couple times. Different cities, and different bands, which is a little weird. Another time, Richard Edson from Sonic Youth/Stranger Than Paradise was in the audience.
  12. I listened to the first few minutes of Thing Fish yesterday. It's still terrible, but it's kind of funny that it exists, and imagining Ike Willis recording the narration, which Zappa had to write a script for, is pretty hysterical.
  13. I think I got through it twice. I'm sure I'd still find it unlistenable, but I might try again someday.
  14. Come to think of it, Thing Fish is probably my least liked album by an artist I like.
  15. Yeah, Thing Fish is awful. It makes me sympathize with people who hate Zappa.
  16. I almost never listen to anything after Zoot Allures, which is weird since Joe's Garage was my entry point. I love the Don Preston era and the run from Hot Rats through Apostrophe (minus the records that are heavy on Flo & Eddie).
  17. Hitsville. Good recommendation. We'll definitely do that.
  18. I guess it kind of makes sense for Zappa to have a robotic drummer during that time period since he was doing so much work on the synclavier.
  19. Anywhere in Michigan would allow me to cross the state off my list, but I'm pretty sure the wife wants to go to Detroit, specifically. She's been to Michigan a couple times before, but never to Detroit. Thanks for the recommendations. We probably won't go until Spring 2016 at the earliest, but I will keep an eye on their schedules occaisionally to see what shows are coming up.
  20. I'd have to say that my least favorite are the Chad Wackerman years. I never liked his robotic playing style, and it contributes heavily to a very safe and unfiery sounding band.
  21. Michigan is one of the last ten states left for me to visit. My wife and I sometimes arrange travel around concerts. What are the music venues in Detroit I should keep an eye on for upcoming shows? Thanks!
  22. I watched the Zappa at the Circus concert on Youtube the other day, and I wanted to find out more about his bassist, Arthur Barrow. He has an interesting write-up on his website about his time with Zappa. http://home.netcom.com/~bigear/ Introduction I became an avid Zappa listener as a teenager in the 60's. At first, I related mostly to his lyrics, and gradually realized that even though the songs were often humorous or satirical, there was often some quite interesting music going on as well. The first album I really got into was "We're only In It For the Money". I learned how to play a lo
  23. I wish Cheney and Rumsfeld had pushed for the Iraq war by promoting it as a 50 year commitment. That would have been a great way to avoid the war altogether.
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