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Everything posted by jff

  1. Guitar Heroes is going to go over like gangbusters in concert.
  2. I never said it was groundbreaking. It isn't, or at least, it doesn't seem to be on first listen. But it is full of riffs and musical phrases that sound like they've always existed. That's what I mean by timeless, and that's what a lot of musicians are striving for.
  3. Finally got around to listening to this. I've gotta admit that I'm still not really sold on Jim's singing voice, but the music on here is astonishing. In a way, it's a timeless sound, and I'll bet a lot of musicians are listening to this record and saying to themselves "damn, why didn't I think of that." I know at least one (myself) is.
  4. Shortest: 10 miles. Longest: However far it is from the eastern suburbs of Atlanta to the Val Air Ballroom in West Des Moines, Iowa.
  5. My copy arrived from Drag City yesterday. Haven't had a chance to listen to it yet, but at least this shows that they have copies available (or, at least they did when I ordered my copy a week ago.)
  6. While not technically an opening act, Patti Smith performed before Bob Dylan at a festival I went to in the '90s and made him look like a boring old geezer.
  7. Wasn't Clooney handcuffed to Letterman?
  8. She should be thanking us for all the practice time she got to engage in around here.
  9. The Breeders blew Nirvana off the stage when I saw them in right around the time of Last Splash/Nirvana Unplugged.
  10. Modern Lovers was going to be one of my picks, too. Hampton Grease Band - Music to Eat
  11. I just ordered the vinyl from Drag City. I got a confirmation, so hopefully that means it's in stock and will ship.
  12. If you have the PBS streaming channel, they've added a few pieces of B.B. King content since his passing. One of his Austin City Limits performances, a Blank on Blank animated interview, and part of his interview with Tavis Smiley (in which Tavis does 90% of the talking, but B.B. says some interesting stuff when he can get a word in.)
  13. 5 (1977 ) - I was not consciously listening to music then, unfortunately. 10 (1982) - Kiss 15 (1987) - Dead Kennedys, Zeppelin, Bowie, Beatles, Rush 20 (1992) - King Crimson, Zappa/Beefheart 25 (1997) - John Coltrane, The Kinks 30 (2002) - Wilco and anything Nels related 35 (2007) - Dungen 40 (2012) - Ty Segall, Cate Le Bon
  14. I always liked Between the Wheels. That's a crazy second set. I'd love to see them pull out By-Tor and the Snow Dog.
  15. Oh, thanks. Were they running just one headliner stage each night?
  16. Did anyone play after Wilco? 9pm seems an awfully early time to stop.
  17. I had front row, center seats to see John McLaughlin (w/ Trilok Gurtu and Kai Eckhardt) back in 1992-ish. They were opening for the Andy Summers Band, who we did not stay for. (I like Andy, but he was in a bit of a cheesy phase at that time.)
  18. I rested a drink on a speaker once when I went to see Hospitality and the vibration caused it to fall over. If it had fallen the wrong way it would have soaked the guitar player's pedalboard. That would have been mortifying.
  19. I talked a couple friends (a man and a woman) into going to see Dungen a few years ago. After the show, the female friend said she really enjoyed it, and that they reminded her of Van Der Graff Generator. So, Van Der Graff Generator has at least one female fan.
  20. jff

    The Who

    I was at the grocery store yesterday and I noticed there's a Rolling Stone tribute issue for The Who. I enjoyed flipping through that for a little while (as I have for some of their other tribute issues), but couldn't justify the $13 cover price.
  21. Here in Georgia, we had a bill similar to Indiana's, but it got tabled last night after a gay-friendly republican legislator amended it with language stating that no discrimination would be allowed.
  22. My neighbor put a couple of boxes of books out on the curb this weekend. I got a number of things that look like they'll be good reads. I'm starting this one today: Can't Be Satisfied: The Life and Times of Muddy Waters by Robert Gordon
  23. 9th. List of bands playing each day is now on the website.
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