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Everything posted by jff

  1. We all become better people once we realize that not everyone is created in our own image.
  2. It is pretty funny that they thought it was a good idea to put out a triple album. Touche.
  3. I don't know. White priviledge and class warfare/media manipulation don't strike me as particularly funny song subjects. More of the same from them. Everything has to be an important statement about some aspect of our fucked up society. I realize that's their shtick, and sometimes it works. It doesn't come across as funny, though. Dead Kennedy's had a similar shtick, but they knew how to make it funny (although it was annoying at times, too).
  4. I stated before that I don't enjoy the Clash (a song now and then is ok, but I could never make it through an entire album), but I wouldn't deny that they deserve respect. I think the reason I don't enjoy their music is because I have never been able to detect any humor in it. They come across as taking themselves too seriously.
  5. Am I mistaken, or wasTweedy playing the Rickenbacker on this song for a while.
  6. Someone would just come up with a worse idea.
  7. I don't really get any enjoyment out of the Clash, but I wouldn't go so far as to say they don't deserve critical respect.
  8. True. They don't have a bass player, so I guess they are diifferent.
  9. I actually like some of their music, and Fearless Freaks made me want to like them more, but their tired stage antics turned me away.
  10. I will admit that I've had my opinion changed by watching band videos. I might try that. They are a very visually oriented band, from what I hear. I'm surprised nobody has said Ryan Adams yet. Flaming Lips
  11. Maybe not the whole thing. I haven't written them off, it just hasn't connected with me yet.
  12. Yeah, I've tried and I don't know what people are hearing. Mannheim Steamroller from Iceland.
  13. I would add Everybody Knows This is Nowhere and After the Gold Rush to Neil's run. I would hope that is the only time his name appears on this thread.
  14. Still not computing. I love the Who, but I don't go around calling them the 'oo, even though that is a sanctioned nickname, and one that makes more phoenetic sense than "the mats." I would never say "Frisco" or "Chi Town" or "Beantown" either.
  15. I agree, but if you don't get raked over the coals for saying this, it'l only serve to solidify my beief that "Mats" fans are worse than deadheads. Yup. They are the G. Love and Special Sauce for the current generation.
  16. I was referring more to my subscribership, circa mid-2005. No way you could have known that. But Deer Tick - yes. fucking terrible band. Songdog, too. They've been pushing that garbage since I was a subsciber.
  17. I think they're a good band with good songs, but I don't think there's anything especially notable about them. There were certainly worse bands (and better bands). Their fans are aggressive chearleaders and that goes a long way towards overinflating things.
  18. You don't think that was a notable turning point in popular music?
  19. I guess I never heard their great stuff. Only the pussy eagles era. I could add to this list: Any current band that appears on an Uncut magazine cd comp.
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