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Everything posted by jff

  1. I haven't cared about this guy since Mutations. When I heard Midnight Vultures I thought it was mixed so loudly and so compressed it made me almost throw up. However, I've been thinking of checking out his post Mutations records again to see what I think.
  2. I just saw Cate last weekend. Fantastic!
  3. What does a toy salesman have to do with anything?
  4. You're crazy. That would have been incredible.
  5. Clifton Chenier. I don't really listen to zydeco, but I have one of his records.
  6. I don't know if i can name ten. Hospitality is a band I have liked very much since their first album came out two years ago. It surprises me that none of my friends or acquaintances (who go to exponentially more shows than me, and spend exponentially more time and money on current music than I do) don't know about them.
  7. To my ears it sounds very much like John's voice and nothing at all like Paul's.
  8. My favorite Beatles moment is when John sings: Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-eeeeee-uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu In Happiness is a Warm Gun.
  9. My best guess is that they wanted it to end with Gracias.
  10. Maybe so. Being cutting edge is a good way to look foolish in hindsight.
  11. Led Zeppelin 2. If the front cover, with its white oval representing a blimp, terrible fonts and color schenmes, and ridiculous group photo aren't bad enough, open the thing up and get a load of this abortion of graphic design:
  12. They sound like they're having fun on She's the One. Wildflowers has a lot of good songs, but it's plodding and overly long. My belief is that Steve Ferrone hadn't learned how to play with Tom at that time, and as a result the album suffers from an uncohesive group sound. It's possible Tom agreed, since he used Ferrone on Wildflowers but not on most of She's the One, which came out two years later.
  13. She's the One soundtrack is a better Tom Petty album than Wildflowers.
  14. I haven't heard the album, but based on a full show I've seen online all of their songs sound pretty similar to that one, so I would guess you wouldn't like the album.
  15. I think there are a couple on Youtibe, but I haven't watched them. I think the general consensus is that the Plimsoul does everything the OCD does, but more.
  16. Interesting. How can both parts be played together but not overdubbed? That is only possible if two people are playing at the same time, or if Paul played two basses at the same time, which is impossible for people with fewer than four arms.
  17. I'm not familiar with the Fulldrive. Is is safe to say that's an overdrive pedal? The Plimsoul is basically an overdrive and distortion in one pedal, and it excels at both (and everything in-between).
  18. I saw Vaylor Trucks once with his band playing some Tony Williams Lifetime songs. Good player, but probably a little too fusiony to fit in with the Brothers. Sort of Jimmy Herring-ish...another contender/one-time fill in guitarist who doesn;t really fit their style. http://theyetitrio.com/
  19. I like his voice, too. It's one of the more distinctive voices in rock history. Talking Heads' Once in a Lifetime would certainly be lacking something without his vocals.
  20. I didn't realize he went back that far with them. I knew he worked on Joshua Tree and probably somewhere in my brain I knew he worked on The Unforgettable Fire. So, I was thinking Joshua Tree/Achtung Baby - - > tailspin.
  21. I wouldn't be surprised to see them do some one-off shows occaisionally with Derek and Warren. I doubt the band is completely over, but I doubt they'll continue to be a band that regularly tours.
  22. No, I don't suppose it is, which is why I'm thinking he keeps working with them because it gives him free access to top quality studios which he can use to develop and test his own ideas, and get paid a princely sum while doing it.
  23. It'd be kind of silly to keep going once Derek and Warren leave Who would they recruit to replace them? I'm sure there are a lot of players that could do it, but to restart at this point could only be a step down. Butch said last year on his (now defunct) blog that the end was coming pretty soon. I hope I'll get to see them this year. They're actually playing tomorrow night in town for some sort of Gregg Allman all-star honorary show that's being filmed for release, but it sold out instantly and I don't have tickets.
  24. Somehow they've gotten progressively worse the longer he's woked with them.
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