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Everything posted by jff

  1. Same here, as you know. I think she's starting to gain quite a bit of traction. When she played in Atlanta on her tour for Cyrk two years ago (or last year, maybe) her audience was very small. When she was here last month it sold out.
  2. Aw, this is very sad news. I got to meet and deal professionally with Sue once when my band played at Lounge Axe in the 1990s. It was the last night of a month long tour and the whole band was pretty wiped out, but she was so welcoming and easy to deal with that we had a great night and were recharged for the long drive back to Atlanta. Sending all manner of positive and healing forces to Sue and all of her loved ones.
  3. No, it's not the end. I don't believe random redditors.
  4. It was fantastic. They covered all the bases, and despite just getting over cancer in the last couple of months, Sharon had tons of energy. It's nuts how smooth and tight, but still loose and relaxed sounding, the band is during the segment where Sharon demonstrates a bunch of '60s era dance styles. The only song I was hoping to hear that they didn't play was this one ("Without a Heart" from I Learned the Hard Way): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBJ_6eUik48
  5. Sharon Jones & the Dap Kings
  6. I'll probably check out a few more songs and see what I think before making a decision. I kind of want to support just on principle for calling out all the shit I hate about rap.
  7. Is that good? I like the hit song and would be willing to pick that record up if the rest of it is good.
  8. Holy Damn, what a treasure trove! I'll have to watch these later, but Nels always has thoughtful insights and presetns them with affable charm.
  9. I agree. Everything I've heard sounds really good.
  10. This had better be one god damned motherfucker of a badass guitar.
  11. I thought the '70s era studio was great stage design.
  12. What does Daft Punk do, exactly? Seemed to me like Stevie, NIle, and the rest of the gang had that performance covered and Daft Punk were just window dressing who might as well have stayed in their seats.
  13. Break whatever your conflicting engagement is. She's in fine form.
  14. Is that an old video? I thought Dickie's chest and arms were completely covered in tattoos at this point.
  15. Oh, I remember the line now: "I'm a folk singer, hum dinger." I later heard Kevn Kinney from Drivin and Cryin sing that exact line on his first solo album and will never figure out how anyone would steal that line. Of all the things to steal.
  16. I thought there was a bunch of talk on here about his collaboration with some of the Wilco guys, and Jeff Tweedy's son. Maybe that was a different forum. I don't know. I'm not a fan or a non-fan, but I kind of feel like I haven't been able to get away from the guy over the last few years.
  17. Rockateens - S/T Five Eight - S/T Devo - Are We Not Men? Betty Davis - They Say I'm Different Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings - Give the People What They Want McCoy Tyner - The Real McCoy
  18. True, but he's been very active and highly visible (at least the types to people of us who pay attention to websites like this one) for several years. Tons of production work, lots of collaborations, the sheet music release, etc.
  19. What's that Dylan song where he says "I'm a poet and I know it' or some such bullshit? There are probably only five or six Dylan songs that don't have at least one cloying groaner.
  20. I'm sure they would have rethought that cover art if the knew they'd have to pay Gene Simmons.
  21. I like that. Clever name. Here in Atlanta there's an all female Misfits cover band called Jerry Only Has One Ball. Not sure what that's all about, but they're really good. Have a great show!
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