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Everything posted by jff

  1. This doesn't surprise me. I never would have pegged Bryan Adams as a country fan in the first place. He seems more lile he's going for a Huey Lewis and the News/Toto type of sound..
  2. Today a person I was in a band with in 1996/1997 finally offered some new songs on her FB/soundcloud page. I haven't heard her play or sing a single note since our band broke up in 97, so I am thrilled.
  3. More? I didn't know this happened to begin with. Thanks for the heads up.
  4. Tell them I said they need to come to Atlanta.
  5. Well, judging by the new songs Jane's played, the new album is not good. I was disappointed that they seemed to be going through the motions. Not so much Stephen Perkins (he always plays with passion and energy), but the rest of the band felt like they were pretending to be Jane's Addiction. It was faker than the Fillipino Steve Perry soundalike singing for Journey (nothing against him, he was actually quite good). We got to see Phoenix at the festival, too, and they were good fun. I didn't really know of them, so that was a nice surprise. Also, Mowglis, who sound like music made speci
  6. I saw them in Atlanta last week and thery were really good. Best of the tree times I've seen them.
  7. music midtown atlanta i don't know anything about that.
  8. Jane's Addiction & Journey.
  9. I was born in Beverly, but ever since my grandparents died I haven't had any real ties to MA (or free places to stay...not that I would stay in Beverly for a show at MassMoca). Otherwise, I would have been there probably every year.
  10. Great photos on your page! I especially enjoyed seeing the photos of the Solid Sound guitar exhibit.
  11. I've heard he's very good. BTW, Tinnitus Photography just popped up on my FB page as a suggested page.
  12. Gram came before, but The Eagles were probably the first to have sustained success with it, and that's what it takes (or took back then) for the industry to see dollar signs and star mining for copycat gold.
  13. That's the most recent album. EDIT: I listened to that link today on headphones and I have to say that I like more of it than I remembered from the few times I've listenied at home. I don't like the first song or Feels Like We Always Go Backwards, but the rest are either pretty good or excellent. Something about the vocals is a bit grating to me at times. I can't pinpoint why, exactly. Nevertheless, there's a lot of good music on there, and some inventive studio trickery, so I'll give them more credit than I previously offered.
  14. He'll probably go behind the camera for a while and resurface as an actor after the Braking Bad afterglow was worn down a bit. He's definitely not going to disappear never to be heard from again.
  15. Well, they have created an entire city that is a fake version of alpine Germany, which I suppose could be seen as a very hipster-ish thing to do.
  16. Surely, Walt, Jessie, Gomez and Hank won't ALL die. All of them know the money is in that general area, but nobody else does (that we know of). Someone will get to keep the cash and it'll be interesting to see who that'll be. Maybe the nazis get their hands on it somehow.
  17. Yeah, Lost was the laziest of all possible endings. That whole series was one storyline after another that never resolved.
  18. Aside from the skinny jeans, that describes most of the rural hill people I see when I go to he mountains of north Georgia.
  19. They're no longer on the fridge. Walt had them with him as of the end of last week's episode. He read off the coordinates to the nazis over the phone. Depending on how the aftermath of the shootout plays out, he could lose them and the money could remain buried.
  20. The hipster tag has become ridiculous. You're a hipster if you drink PBR, but you're also a hipster if you're into craft beers. Or if you're into wine. Or fancy cocktails with obscure ingredients. It's become a meaningless tag that applies to anyone younger than you who wears clothes or eyeglasses different than your own.
  21. I read somewhere that on some copies of the vinyl version, due to a pressing plant mistake one of the sides is actually a different band. I need to listen to my copy again and see if maybe I'm hearing some other act for part of the record. Either way, some of the tunes that are definitely Tame Impala leave me disappointed (but I like a few of the tracks a lot).
  22. I'd probably like that. Ty has been getting louder and louder in the last couple of years. He was so loud the last time I saw him that I quit going to his shows. I'm ready for a break from that.
  23. This is the first I've heard of Sleeper. I'll look into it. I thought Twins was from earlier this year, but I'm over 40, so a year feels like three months to me.
  24. I've probably bought more new releases this year than any year since I was in high school or college. My favorite is probably the Deerhunter record. White Fence - Cyclops Reap is good, too. I was pretty disappointed in most of the Tame Impala record. Same for the Ty Segall - Twins record. Or it could be that Ty's just been so prolific that I've gotten fatigued. Very much looking forward to Cate Le Bon's Mug Museum coming out in November.
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