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Sly like a Foxwell

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Everything posted by Sly like a Foxwell

  1. yeah, if you've never whitnessed the wonder that is the trailer park boys, this would seem an odd conversation
  2. i think one of my favorites is " closer to the heart" nothing like kidnapping Alex Lifeson to make good tv. have you checked out the Bubbles Myspace page? Bubbles and the Shitrockers did a song last holiday season called" dear santa claus, go fuck yourself" and let us not forget " liquor and whores" with GNR http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendID=62677608
  3. if it's out there, i've seen it, and have it on my HD. the chrismas special is great where Lahey waks into church with the grocery bag beard dressed as santa. then ricky starts throwing out free hash. the steel guitar is what really makes that one special though. " that guys fuckin awesome"
  4. all the epps are out there viat BT. Tvtorrents has em all. i almost died talking to a customer the other day when he sa" how ya doing bud" and sounded just like Jim Lahey. " Mr Lahey , is that you talking or the liquor ?" " I am the liquor "
  5. i so didn;t want to hear this. remember 10-14 yr old girls are probably the bulk of the voters
  6. A-man , with you 100% on this one, although all the Patrick Swayzee references in season 7 have an eerie timing to them. i'm big on seasons 3 and 5. between Conky, and the hash driveway, it's a toss up
  7. the former Dubuque star brewery is now a resturant/ ultralounge.
  8. exempt, as singing is only a sideline to bad acting
  9. How is Noah Gallagher not on this list. Wait, i forgot Oasis is the greatest band in history.......... at least Mr Bolton tops the list
  10. i was almost killed by terrible driving inspired by this album. there was much screaming, thankfully no actual accidents
  11. I watched this a few weeks ago, and met with the same results. really a fascinating album .
  12. i did not feel this, it's all over the local news , and people all around apparently did feel it. now they are talking about 3.45/ gallon gas
  13. I just listened to this last night, and Wow, you guys did a great job with this
  14. other acceptable answer. Blues Fuckin Traveler. now i said it..
  15. i watched a british rockumentary that really thougt so , i don;t see it
  16. i had to out of some sick curiosity. i was not impressed
  17. that would be cool. kettle whistle has somm good live cuts on it. worth a listen
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