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Everything posted by aricandover

  1. typically wilcoworld pre-sales only have ~10% of available tickets, so you're probably right.
  2. both wilcoweb and wilcoworld.net work, but I remember at some point, going to wilcoweb and seeing an announcement about them switching URLs. this was sometime before Yankee Hotel Foxtrot came out
  3. damn, that is lucky. I saw the Arkestra a few years ago at the Andy Warhol Museum. it was pretty mindblowing.
  4. I'd love to see Clint Eastwood direct a Jonah Hex film.
  5. yes. I never saw any of the band though. remember when their website was wilcoweb.com? The teeth x-rays always creeped me out.
  6. it's not solo or acoustic, but here's the Minus 5 performing The Family Gardener from 4/16/2003
  7. 1995-06-07 Graffiti Pittsburgh, PA no setlist for this show, and all I really remember from it was the "Listen to Her Heart" cover. I didn't dig it at all. I saw a Golden Smog show at the same club in 1996, and that's when things turned around for me. unfortunately, Wilco didn't come back to Pittsburgh (propper) til this show: 1999-11-08 Metropol 1. Via Chicago 2. Candyfloss 3. Summer Teeth 4. I'm Always In Love 5. I Must Be High 6. How To Fight Loneliness 7. Hotel Arizona 8. Red-Eyed And Blue 9. I Got You (At The End Of The Century) 10. Nothing'severgonnasta
  8. the first disk was great. I still need to give the 2nd disk a spin, as well as the vinyl.
  9. download Bit Torrent and get shows off of the VC tracker
  10. guess that'd be a good place to start. maybe with cameos from Jay Garrick and a young Wally.
  11. yeah, it's funny because for the most part, the comics don't really cater to kids.
  12. give it an R rating, set it in Madripoor and I'm there.
  13. when did it become a rule that every kid has to be fat?
  14. Denny O'Neil and Neal Adams' run on GL/GA was great. especially when they got into Roy Harper's heroin addiction.
  15. you'll probably just call me a douchebag again, so I don't even know why I'm bothering with this, but here ya go: don't like Dethholz!, but a lot folks do. on the other hand, I think Califone is pretty good.
  16. happy birthday to you all. Walrus, I hope everything's going alright with that rain storm.
  17. sounds good to me, as long as they can actually pull it off. (and stay away from calling themselves Soul Brains)
  18. Alan Scott could say the same thing to Jordan
  19. I agree about rebirth, it was great. I was a little bummed about Kyle getting pushed out of the top spot.
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