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Posts posted by jhh4321

  1. i know the bible one is a flip book. lame-o. the other one progresses? it just seems like random to me. i'll never look at them again unless i want to ask myself, "was that really what came with the special edition?"


    Yeah i was pretty bummed out by the "deluxe edition" which was said to have a wooden case not the cardboard one it came with.

  2. i feel like i may be heading to bonnaroo this year...i liked pforks lineup last year but i havent really been keeping up on the pitchfork bands this year...im guessing it will be a bunch of new indie bands that arent very good...and im not really liking the Pearl Jam, Smashing Pumpkins, Three Dog Night feel of Lolla right now. anyone know when the lolla lineup will be announced?

  3. I go to Boston University and one of my friends has received three citations for torrenting various music and movies and hasn't seen any actual punishment. Another friend of mine received a warning for a downloading one song that she downloaded two years ago, not even on campus. This stuff is getting rediculous but at the same time I dont think that many people are actually getting screwed by it.

  4. I like this record...gave it a 7...but I agree there are less powerful moments than on other Wilco records. Also I found the record to be a little less cohesive than others. I do think that this one is a grower though.

  5. You could've knocked me over with a feather after I finished listening to The Search earlier today. It's such a great little record, with a beautiful flow and nearly every song sounding like a highlight. I thought I liked Okemah well enough, but this blows it away.


    I'm so glad to see Jay finally reaching past the alt-country ghetto and trying something familiar but just a little bit different. There's a real southern-pop feel to some of these songs that reminds me a little of R.E.M. in the early '90s. Lots of variety, too, with piano, memphis horns, backwards guitars, and so forth. Already my favourite SV since Trace.


    I haven't heard it but I think this may be the first (and only other) SV record I've bought since Trace.

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