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Posts posted by jhh4321

  1. Boston based quartet. Lots of rock/folk/jazz influence. These guys have played with the Slip, Apollo Sunshine, a lot of other bands. They are young and working on a new record which is supposed to be really great. Check em out if you want.





    Sorry this was my roommate posting about his band. That being said they are awesome, kind of mix of the band, the dead, and some newer indie rock bands. Wilco fans would certainly appreciate them.

  2. Boston based quartet. Lots of rock/folk/jazz influence. These guys have played with the Slip, Apollo Sunshine, a lot of other bands. They are young and working on a new record which is supposed to be really great. Check em out if you want.




  3. I've got an Epi. SG. It was my first electric and since then have also owned a really nice Jazzmaster and a Custom Telecaster but I sold them both cuz I keep coming back to the SG. The shop must have had a really good day because it plays amazing, on par with the Gibson specials if not better. I play though a Fender Hotrod Deluxe which is probably the greatest purchase I've ever made. Also have an ovation acoustic which I actually like a lot.

  4. Hopefully Brown in Providence, and some cool theatres up north.


    I'm feeling that. Although Autumn Defense is touring through most of march and Wilco is going to Australia in mid-April, also Nels has a show in CA in late April. So I'd say probably not until end of April early May will we be getting some Wilco action.

  5. i wish i hadn't listened to any of the "new" stuff. i could then put off the disappointment until mid-march.


    hopefully some studio-wiz will save this collection of tunes or else maybe jeff is holding back the good stuff. i hope i'm surprised. i really do.


    I'm tending to agree. But I have held off save for Walken, What Light, Impossible Germany, and The Thanks I Get. I really hope its good.

  6. it, and the paradise, are in boston. (just across the street from the brighton town line) but it is across the river to cambridge.


    the middle east which is in cambridge is no where near the paradise, relatively speaking.


    This is true. Any of you knowledgeable Bostonians go to BU? (i do).

  7. was there a poster for this show?


    i don't remember seeing one, and i can't find one online after checking the usual places. it seems like there should have been one made, since there were individual posters for the shows surrounding this show.


    does any one recall seeing one, own one, or feel like selling one if it exists?


    any help is appreciated.


    I went to this show as well and have tried to find one but with little success. For some reason I just don't think that one was made.

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