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Posts posted by jhh4321

  1. Yours to Keep is the best strokes release since Is This It? Casablancas voice wore thin for me over time and FIOE is just sad (for the most part). I wish he would come to Chicago solo (and not opening for some other garbage), I always liked watching him live with The Strokes (the other Strokes, on the other hand, are pretty bland live). Anyways, I recommend this album most highly.


    Better than ROF? And the strokes are awesome live IMO, even though they dont move much.

  2. I'm afraid this is what's going to end up happening. the tapers will reconsider putting their shows out there at all. then we'll end up with nothing, because people are way too lazy to deal with lossless formats.


    Fair enough. I understand that tapers don't want their work to be degraded. But if people (a good amount of people) are going to convert to MP3 regardless then why not. Its not like there aren't people who don't appreciate the lossless formats, but most people just can't tell the difference. Also, hard drive space certainly doesn't come free.

  3. Sorry to those I offended I just figured that since a lot of people download these shows as FLAC and convert them to MP3 immediately I may as well post it like this. Torrent is kind of complicated, and a lot of people don't use torrents but would like to have an occasional show. If anyone (specifically the taper of this show) has a real problem with this i sincerely apologize. If people really want to stop other people from enjoying this music because of issues with with file format then maybe you should reconsider why you record and distribute these shows in the first place.

  4. I put this show up (its in MP3 format) for a VCer and figured I'd post it so some other people could get it. I'm not sure how many dl's its limited to but if the link is dead and you really want it send me a PM and ill post it again for you.




    Heres the setlist (note: there are 25 files in this DL, the first track is just an intro/prelude making Via Chicago track 2 etc.) :




    Pines Theatre

    Florence, MA


    1. Via Chicago

    2. new song (What Light)

    3. The Late Greats

    4. I Am Trying To Break Your Heart

    5. Hell Is Chrome

    6. Handshake Drugs

    7. War On War

    8. new song (Impossible Germany)

    9. A Shot In The Arm

    10. At Least That's What You Said

    11. Jesus, Etc.

    12. Walken

    13. Theologians

    14. I'm The Man Who Loves You

    15. Hummingbird


    Encore 1:

    16. new song (Let's Fight)

    17. Misunderstood

    18. Wishful Thinking

    19. Spiders (Kidsmoke)


    Encore 2:

    20. Airline To Heaven

    21. Hesitating Beauty

    22. Heavy Metal Drummer

    23. Kingpin

    24. Far, Far Away

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