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Everything posted by explodo

  1. Did anybody else think Juno was just kind of alright? The acting was pretty wonderful, but the plot has been done hundreds of times. Girl gets pregnant, girl deals with it. Everybody smiles.
  2. The lyrics on here are terrible in spots. Otherwise, I'm not sure what to think of it yet.
  3. Disappointments: Radiohead. This album just isn't good. It's been four or five years and this is what they ended up with? I guess I have to start looking at them like I look at the Beatles: respected, sure, but please don't make me listen to them. Honestly, I'm surprised to see so many people enjoying this. Maybe it's because it was free? Videotape is one of the lamest songs in history. And for surprises: Panda Bear. Not huge into Animal Collective or Young Prayer, so this came out of nowhere for me. If it weren't for the awesome album art, I would have never listened to it.
  4. I would not be shocked by the inclusion of Maria Taylor, as they are lovers.
  5. You need to beat the game to get more star options, I think. You'll get one for killing Bowser and then you'll get some coin challenges where you have to get 100 coins in each level.
  6. I don't mean the music he makes. I mean in his life. You know, when he talks. I had the misfortune of seeing him perform recently. His banter made me want to hang myself.
  7. G. Love is the biggest fucking douche bag the universe has ever known. He's white. Somebody needs to tell him.
  8. How many threads does this need?
  9. How is this? It would be kind of tough to be worse than Get Lonely, I think.
  10. Anymore, I have to agree with you. There was a time when he was genuinely great.
  11. Edmonds won't do HGH. LaRussa misses the old days with Canseco and McGwire and a winning ball club.
  12. I noticed that throughout but really thought nothing of it until the end when the credits roll. It kind of hits you over the head at that point. Pretty remarkable film-making through and through.
  13. Saw this last night and loved it. One of the better movies I've seen in a very long time.
  14. Finally got through for some Friday tickets. I love spending 180 dollars on four 34 dollar tickets. I don't feel violated at all.
  15. Jesus. Friday is already gone? And Monday, too. I got a couple for Wednesday, but that looks to be it.
  16. It's about fucking time. Washed up, that Edmonds is.
  17. I got all shut out n' shit.
  18. This is becoming an addiction.
  19. Interesting that they don't find out anything on McGwire.
  20. I'm really shocked by this one. Not like he ever showed any kind of rage or anything.
  21. I think I can sum those up in a sentence: "He's gonna want to have sex with me after this, isn't he?"
  22. The following parts were funny: Of course it was better as a bit on Curb Your Enthusiasm, but whatever.
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