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Everything posted by jc4prez

  1. http://lastwaltzer.blogspot.com/2007/09/fl...adison-wis.html I know this should go in after the show but the article takes more of a moral stand point and deals with the band as a whole so I thought it would be better prestend here.
  2. GO They are an awesome band. If your son likes Wilco I think he will dig them.
  3. Great track but the keys kill it. The horns are a bit much at times but, this could have been one of his best releases. If he does this live I guarentee its one of the best things he's done.
  4. Am I the only person not excited about this??
  5. best post ive read in a while, you def. brought a smile to my face.
  6. wow, dissapointing.....sounds very unlike neil. As for farm aid....where is everyone hearing this? On you tube there are only 20 second clips and neil doesn't sound bad at all, and peggi is barely int he mix.
  7. Honestly I wouldn't take that clip to seriously. The fact that jeff went back and learned the lyrics and would invite phil on stage preety much says he is open minded. You got to rember Jeff didn't grow up on the dead and for most people their is this stigma because of the fans. So i can see why he would be joking like that. Do I think we will hear wilco cover the dead again? probably not. BUT PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG!
  8. Thank ya Froggie. Nothing better then hearing one of my favorite bands play one of my favorite songs with one of the people who made that long strange trip possible.
  9. haven't herd it yet but it has been a year since he preformed live.
  10. Yeah phil is def. where its at. Nina Nastisa will also be schubas on friday. it is going to be a lot of music I may need to sell my phil friday for money to see neil young so if you know anyone who hasn't purchased a ticket yet; ill sell for face (plus 5 dollars for tix bastard charges)
  11. Does anyone have any idea as to when the band will sound check. I goto school in the loop and wouldn't mind heading over to hear them. Anyone know how early before a show they ussaly do this?
  12. I payed 35 for the greendale tour and sat 22 row dead center. Ended up in the front row for the encores though.
  13. hey froggie you wouldnt happen to have the lesh verison? I lost it when I lost my harddrive. maybe latter tonight I can post some of the jeff/beatles covers i have.
  14. there has to be more then that because there is def. a festival show were phil lesh pops out.
  15. don't rember the exact date but phil lesh sang back up (maybe that is the proof of Jeff not being into them) hahaha (if your not a dead head your probably thinking im crazy)
  16. being as though phil came out and sang ripple with wilco i highly doubt there isn't some love. Also keep in mind Jeff did do "real" verisons of the song.
  17. I didn't flip a shit. sorry if you interpreted it that way. I guess its harder for people see veiw your personality since you've only read my words. But again I don't think he songs were overly political if anything they just pushed peace. which isnt a very polictical concept as history has proven. As for you being a george/ paul person. George is the man. As for paul...............I can't help you with that.
  18. hahahahahahahahahhahahahahha too much. but seriously i hope most of these are jokes.
  19. First off "crazy political songs"????? what the fuck are you talking about??????? Lennon wrote politcal songs with a point that for the most part are sadly timeless. Secondly when you look at it numerically its only a very small portion of his career. Most of John's songs are introspective or for his love of Yoko.
  20. its the sentiment. You know those songs that give you a warm and fuzzy feeling inside and for the five minutes after you listen to it you feel a little bit more confident in society. And then you look at the news and the feeling fades
  21. My Darling, Wishful Thinking, Hate It Here come to mind right away. As for What Light i'd say that sounds more like something off of The Grateful Deads master peice "American Beatuy" (Cough...RIPPLE...COUGH)
  22. \ I'm very weary of T.C. did he not leave the band because of "the drugs" conflicted with his sceintologist views??? On top of that he only plays on 2 albums (correct me if im wrong). I loved his work on those records but from what I hear he plays straightforward keyboard work which wasn't what his dead days involved plus he plays a ton of material he had nothing to do with. I'm fairly certin he and phil don't even talk anymore. And I was referring to the chicago shows I'll be there everynight.
  23. Same here! Unless i hear not so great things then maybe a ticket might be sold. Either way I'm pumped. I saw 6 shows last summer and they were all great. I'm just not to sure about this jackie greene character. He seems decent enough but I don't know if he is the "right" kind of guitar player. Time shall tell! As for acoustic at red rocks. I ENVY YOUR ASS!
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