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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. Thanks for the cvb and cracker review! Always a fun night!
  2. I would even venture to say most folks don't know Sonic Youth even to go one step further
  3. I disagree with you on Billy Joel however love the Cracker and the CVB. I have been going to their annual run for the last 4 years and am missing this year because I will be out of town! have fun and report back!
  4. I heard him play that live last time I saw Billy. He said this is a bathroom break song for most of you.
  5. Fun..I am seeing him in 2 weeks at the first of the MSG run
  6. ha ha at our show he was wearing two gross shirts and a raggedy sweater. It looked like the band hasn't bathed in months...along with the rest of the band.
  7. Yeah got my refund today and records yesterday...already listened to volume 1...sounded nice
  8. Brownie! I will have to go to Booton! Right on with Driscoll! You did well in your responses
  9. I guess it is subjective but on a similar note do you like the cover of the Self Titled Pearl Jam album?
  10. Well maybe the Boston show will go better. Where they played in Jersey City host maybe 5 live shows a year so that could have added to the issues. Doors were at 7 I got there at 745...got in 845...Elf Power was supposed to go on 8 they pushed them back to 830 due to line issues.
  11. It was good. Jeff's voice is very strong. Really enjoyed the instrumentation. There was approximately 15 different instruments on stage including three saws! They played for about 100 minutes which is more then I was expecting. The lines to get in for our show were ridic because it was will-call only for the whole venue. Took me an hour to get in. Elf Power opened and were good.
  12. Ha ha it is true..I am on the low side taxwise and am paying $9k in property taxes for a small 4 br house. Also, the car insurance rates suck too!
  13. R.E.M. Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite... Or Reading from Doctor Suess....(Stipe Laughs)
  14. My brother and dad are both huge Soul and R& B fan and I probably heard them all over the last 30 years however Barry is the only one I would listen to on my own free will. Is your show over the internet?
  15. You live in Baltimore??? Gibb Droll shreds I wish he found more success...cool carry on.. BTW Spandex Hats! Ha fun name
  16. Since we have been in the news lots in the last few years want to throw my home state in the ring To live in NJ you should * Love Springsteen, Sinatra or Bon Jovi * Know the best hole in the wall pizza joints * Know what exit you live off of on the Parkway (135/137) or Turnpike (14 A) * Go to the shore over the summer * Know the *official area where North Jersey Turns to South Jersey * Get Taylor Ham Sandwiches at Diners * Know that no other state in the country knows what a diner is (Must be open 24/7 and have a 10 page plus menu) and feature greek specialties and breakfast all day * Reali
  17. Cool..I would venture most know less but glad to share in the fun...you like any of them? Just to clarify I am not saying I am the only one who knows these bands but most folks would say who?? When I mention the band.
  18. What bands do you love but think no one else you know knows of them? No particular order 1. Firewater 2. From Good Homes 3. Gibb Droll 4. Lake Trout 5. Ours 6. Thanks to Gravity 7. Jump, Little Children 8. God Street Wine 9. Art Brut 10. Push Stars
  19. I have Barry White on my ipod. I have no other Soul or R & B on my ipod. I usually always listen in random mode. When it comes on I am hypnotized..however there is no other soul or R& B music I listen to.
  20. If it makes you feel better I don't get how mr heartbreak only likes 1 or 2 rem , tmbg, and walkmen songs
  21. It's not that I dislike his other stuff it just doesn't grab me! I have even seen him twice in concert but what can you do
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