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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. I like Five Guys Cajun Fries/free peanuts while waiting...Burgers are good and can be customized with any of up to 15 or so toppings...They do however use a lot of peanut oil...
  2. Maybe I had an off batch who knows but I never leave over fries and there I did both times I ate there...as an aside the last time I ate there was in 2007..maybe it has changed? Here is a good follow up...are there any people who never lived in California who love In-n-out??
  3. I guess..I just think In-n-out is one of the most overhyped burger chain... BTW these folks waited 4 hours for fast food! The irony!
  4. http://www.the33tv.com/news/kdaf-innout-craziness-frisco-running-out-gas-story,0,2359870.story I have been to In-n-Out 2 times...both times I was very dissapointed. The fries were awful and the burger was so so... What am I missing?
  5. Some are great some are a waste.I am a HUGE Rem fan but I have not yet found the value of the remasters as I have heard most of the other songs on the second disc. The Cure have released some amazing remasters with a great second disc filled with many unavailabe tracks. It pains me still to buy them as I already have the lp and cd...how many times do I need to buy the same album remastered or not. I think these artist should release as a seperate package the outtakes etc but that is usually not the case.
  6. Jayhawks hands down for me... Another few I can think of Andrew Bird? Doves Eagles of Death Metal Favorite song about Birds though- I like Birds "Eels"
  7. ahhh..well I guess it is still early in the tour! Thanks though
  8. I need a beard/facial hair report...Pat, John?
  9. I have a brother who is 3 years older than me and I don't think we have one band in common we both like. He is into R & B , Gopsel and Rap...I am not sure if he even heard of Wilco. Once in a rare while I will join him for a concert and he will join me but neither of us like each others taste in music.
  10. If this show was anywhere in the USA I would be there..Faith is one of my all time favorite albums. I think it would translate well live. Doubt also supposedly was never played live! Shesh also on top of the awesome show the venue looks stunning and only holds 2500 or so! http://www.sydneyoperahouse.com/About/Venues/Concert_Hall.aspx PS Woot my 3,000 post!
  11. Word is it will be released as a dvd....guess that works for now..Hope this show will make it to the USA though!
  12. http://craigjparker.blogspot.com/2011/05/cure-reflections-in-sydney.html VERY VERY jealous!
  13. Album out today...anyone know if the vinyl will include a download code for the mp3's? May wait for the vinyl release if so!
  14. So if you seen the band many times then you know the shows in Mobile were off according to your earlier expierences....maybe it was just the crowd or venue thing. People rock out to Wilco here in NYC, NJ and I am sure wherever else..I have seen Wilco a dozen or so times since 1997 and haven't had any problems with the fans...yet.
  15. Just saw them at Stubb's good show as always! My thoughts are with Jenny for a quick recovery!! http://www.nme.com/news/the-decemberists/56440
  16. This will be interesting to watch. http://www.nme.com/news/radiohead/56441 Spastic dancing to follow from Thom!
  17. Amen! BTW what if you are tall and are nearsighted??? Wouldn't be fair to be relegated to the back!
  18. Ahh I took a look at the menu looks good! I am already getting hungry..Shouldn't have looked before 10am! On top of it being before lunch I won't be to Chicago til at least the fall...will def add it to the list though! Thanks!
  19. According to this article NYC and Osaka JAPAN?! have better pizza than Chicago? http://travel.yahoo.com/p-interests-39283338 As a life long NYC area resident I got to say I have had many great pizzas. None though have blown me out of the water. As an aside I am attempting to spend a few days in Chicago later this year to give Chicago pizza a good fair chance (what are the must haves?)...Also the pizza I had in Rome was blah...
  20. It guess it really is... http://www.nme.com/news/various-artists/56297
  21. Here is a few Afghan Whigs- My Enemy, Honkys Ladder Foo Fighters-Good Grief Pearl Jam-Animal Radiohead-Blow Out, Just Replacements-Bastards of Young Soundgarden- Room a Thousand Years Wide Tragically Hip-Twist My Arm Walkmen- The Rat Wilco- ELT
  22. That is not the "uplifting" story I was hoping to hear...thanks guys
  23. Ahh thanks for the replies everyone..Good points..I am 6' 1" so I will wear a hat as I can not afford to lose any more hair than I already have
  24. My wife has been wanting to go on a hot air ballon ride ever since we met. So for our 3rd wedding anniversary I finally pulled the trigger. As the date is quickly approacing I am getting anxiety about the ride. I am not affraid of heights perse but the lack of control due to weather and wind etc and being attached to a freakin ballon as a means of travel is starting to freak me out... Anyone ever been...how was it?
  25. It almost doesn't matter who was polled the scary part is 46% still said that!
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