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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. If making love to yourself: Lonely 1 Significant other: I'm Always in Love??
  2. I started collecting Autographs when I was 8. I got a book how to get signatures and it gave a list off all the places (Agents address, studios of where to write to to get autographs). I think I sent out 200 letters just as a hobby. I got some great things back which I used to display all over my room. When I was slightly older I had goals to meet some of my favorite bands etc and just figured an signature was something I could look at to look back on the meeting. I also like the stories the autograph tells. As I mentioned before I have an Eisenhower signed letter. In the letter which he wrote
  3. In the two times I saw him about 2 years apart he mixed it up pretty well. Still played the staple hits but a few different ones outside the hits.
  4. Yeah true..after all he has been touring and playing music for over 50 years!
  5. Collect anything, used to collect anything? Discuss! 1) I collect autographs..at least I used to..over the years I amased a large collection of signatures and even used to attend book signings etc. Some of the best ones I got in person: Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Jerry Seinfeld, Bill Cosby, Tom Petty, Billy Joel, Jon Stewart, Dave Chappelle, James Earl Jones etc. I also inherited a signed letter from Dwight Eisenhower and got a Michael Jackson signature from my dad's cousin who worked on the Thriller tour in 83? 2) I buy postacards from every spot I visit that has them. I must have 2000 o
  6. Because people who are accustomed to a singers look or style and when a change happens it doesn't always go over so well with the diehard fans (Maybe not the best example but think how people reacted when Britney Spears shaved her hair ).. Maybe risk was the wrong word but I am not sure how else to describe it. Still anyway I am a Willie fan and have seen him 2 times and concert and his concerts are a real treat and everyone should catch him when his bus rolls thorugh!
  7. They should put them in the refurbished Grand Ole Opry when it opens back up again!
  8. Poor Places for me! I love that outro..one of my favorite Wilco Moments especially live!
  9. Yeah that us strange no one mentioned it..great call! I like Straightfaced too!
  10. Wow..he does look different..That is a big risk but I sulute him for the change! Good for Willie!
  11. Good call.. I really enjoy Infra Riot and Believe I Found as Openers too!
  12. Air- Le Femme De Argent Belle and Sebastian-The State Im In Ben Folds Five-One Angry Dwarf Bjork- Army of Me Cracker-Teen Angst Cure- Plain Song Cure- Open Cure-Want Elliott Smith- Coast to Coast Interpol-Untitled Oasis-Rock and Roll Star R.E.M.-Radio Free Europe R.E.M.-Feeling Gravity Pulls Radiohead-Planet Telex Radiohead-Airbag U2-Zoo Station
  13. I love it! LCD Soundsystem is one of my Favorite bands of the last few years. This is Happening clicked with me on the first listen. I like One Touch and You Wanted a Hit. I saw LCD Soundsystem live about a month ago in the tiny Music Hall of Williamsburg which was awesome! I even got to speak to James before the show and he was a pretty cool guy. Anyhoo great stuff!
  14. Sweet have fun! I am leaving for the show in about an hour and am excited for some good Portugese food (yummm!), I will be right down the street from you...
  15. Cure-Prayers for Rain Guster-Rainy Day From Good Homes-Rain Dance R.E.M.-I'll Take the Rain
  16. Tickets for pavement in NYC were sold 13 months early! Same with some shows at Carnegie Hall...but in terms of pricing that is nutty at best!
  17. yelp.com will be your friend! Brooklyn as mentioned before is more reasonable and the trains are easy to Manhattan once you get used to it. In terms of fun places to hang out I like the lower east side, koreatown, chinatown (if your adventurous!) and just walking around central park. If you have any more specific questions let me know. Make sure you catch some concerts at Bowery Ballroom! Have fun!
  18. I love it! I'm the Man Who Loves you was a hoot!
  19. Don't like Kraig Johnson I take it... I like those songs but the other songs are stronger..still a great cohesive album in my mind!
  20. Back from the trip! Minnesota is a nice state Went to 5-8 and Matt's...Matt's is the winner! Anyhoo..I spent time at Mill City (Stone Arch Bridge), Went to a Twins Game (Beautiful Stadium), Mall of America, The Capitol, Ft. Snelling, Walked along the river, Dinkytown, First Ave and more. Minneapolis is a well run city, great mass transit and friendly folks. My only complaint is the drivers seem more clueless then those in NJ and when mergining on a highway drivers slowly hover near highway on ramps instead of stepping on the gas and letting traffic flow (Alas not a major negative)!!!
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