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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. I salute you..I want to cut the cable the wife doesn't. I think it is liberating. I went a whole year without tv back when I was younger..I read and played a lot of basketball! Was a good time!
  2. My 5 bands I aim to have everything by REM Radiohead Wilco Blur The Cure To a lesser extent Springsteen I think between these 6 bands I have 2500 songs of my 15000 on my ipod!
  3. I am a completist for about 5 bands...after that I will these days try and buy the album on vinyl if it comes with a download so I can have a copy for home listening and road listening. If I can not achieve that I will buy it on cd format first if it is under $10 (Usually week of onsale bestbuy has a good promo $8.99 or so)...if it is not I will just get it on Itunes or Amazon Music. I really am all over the place I know!
  4. Please report back here! Very Jealous! Hopefully with the Bunkhouse Re-release they will unleash some oldies in the show! Woot!
  5. http://www.cnn.com/2010/LIVING/04/27/moms.quit.job.college.admissions/index.html?hpt=C2 How bout this then!
  6. Lucky Minnesota folks Jayhawks First Ave June 19-21!! http://www.jayhawksfanpage.com/tour.html
  7. I'm leaving later this week and am very excited! I have booked tickets to the Twins Vs Tigers game on Monday woot! Other than that planing on visitng the Mill City Museaum,First Ave, The Capitol, Ft. Snelling etc. Also final questions Matt's or 5-8 Club if I only have time for 1 I see two vote for Matt's? Need to get the Ju(i)cy Lucy! Yay!
  8. Ha..I get the sports rivalry..I don't follow sports anymore so I never think of the city in those terms...though I used to go to a ton of Mets games so I get it...
  9. On a slight aside in terms of people from out of the NYC areas feelings towards the city.....I have been to New York at least 1000 times as I have lived within 25 miles of NYC for at least 25 years and have only seen (in terms of unbelivable moments) 1 car accident and 1 person get hit by a car in NYC (Albiet not too badly). I have also been all over NYC and the 5 boro's and have not seen anything that out of the ordinary. NYC is a very well run efficient machine. I don't get all the dislike for NYC or fear it creates. NYC has everything a person can need in addition to very friendly people (O
  10. Are these evening with shows? I wonder if Hi-Rose??? had her baby and was able to make the show!
  11. A traffic free commute! Also I love discovering a new restaurant, band or vacationing to a new destination. That always gets me in a good mood!
  12. I don't know if I am missreading the tickets for this but are they $8 for general admission per day? I see there are two types one is $8 the other is $40?
  13. Cronic Town is usually $15 or less on ebay for the original version so not too rare.. It was..I would have bought it for $75 or so..I asked for it and how much and it was $250 so I didn't even bother to look at it on the shelf!
  14. Maybe I am imagining things but the new version sounds crisper than the older version?
  15. I got REM Soundgarden Springsteen Rolling Stones I tried for Beasties and Wilco both gone... Looked on ebay and the Besties single is already going for close to $100!!! Put that Beasties single on ebay!
  16. She Don't Have to See You is a very very underated Smog/Tweedy song!
  17. For me this is the most enjoyable tour since seeing them on the Being There tour! Great varied setlist, tight playing, etc! Couldn't be happier! Thanks!
  18. Just bought Bunkhouse preorder!! Can't wait! Been looking for this for ages!
  19. Good call! I hate wearing sweaters in the winter for this reason! I also always get shocked everytime I would sit at my desk at work!
  20. I got a room (on the second floor none the less!) full of instruments all of which I can not play well at all! My wife is ok with it... I got a Yamaha PSR Keyboard, Micro Korg, Clarinet, Accordian, Harmonica, Bass Guitar, Electric Guitar, 2 Acoustics (1 nylon), Castinets !! Anyone want to jam!?
  21. 1. Wet socks! 2. Wet Sleeves when I wash my hands too vigirously! 3. Drivers who don't use a turn signal 4. People who have backpacks or large purses at concerts and keep on knocking into me with them/people with umbrellas in NYC don't realize how large they are and almost knock out my eye!! 5. People who don't say thank when you open the door for them or getting acknowledge if you do a driving courtesy 6. Taxes! 7. Ticketmaster Service charges 8. Non self service gas in NJ 9. Valet Parking!! 10. Shopping for electronics/going to car repair places/car shopping salesmen and last but not least.
  22. Saw an interesting link. Some of the items don't look half bad! http://foodnetworkhumor.com/2009/07/mcdonalds-menu-items-from-around-the-world-40-pics/ When I was in Argentina I saw they had McCafe where they sold Eclairs and Cheesecake and in Australia I went to one that served Cappachino and Esspreso!
  23. I wanted wish R.E.M. a happy 30th birthday! 30 years ago today in Athens, GA R.E.M. played their first gig at a friends party! R.E.M. has been my favorite band since 1989. A lot has changed since then but they still play a very important role in my appreciation for music and are still my all time favorite band! Some old pics...yay http://remhq.com/news_story.php?id=1145
  24. Usually I slag off on Wilco and bitch about their setlist of recent but I must hand it to them this time. They really outdid themselves. I thoroughly enjoyed both shows and there was a great amount of variety....after about seeing them 15 times I heard for the first time: Box Full of Letters (First time hearing live since 97!) Outta Site, Outta Mind Dreamer in My Dreams (First time for me since 97!) Nothingsever (Fullband) Summerteeth (Fullband) I'll Fight More Like The Moon Thank You Friends Broken Arrow In The Street Thank you Wilco...you have my appologies! PS I usually HATE Spiders b
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