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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. I just started watching fleabag with my wife what a wacky show but interesting. Anyone else watch this?
  2. My cousin who is a NYC teacher has corona virus this is why NYC should have been closed down earlier especially the schools!
  3. With everything going on with the virus thought it might be good to write about the silver lining during this time so lets share some positive things if you have some to share: More time to exercise! No commute/working from home Lower credit card bills More family time Time to listen to all the records I didn’t get to Instagram concerts Yard work complete Caught up on tv Lot of napping lol
  4. Leon Bridges did a full hour set on his instagram with some great rarities! Also enjoyed Pete Yorns mini daily sets!
  5. Maybe they’ll be rescheduled to weekend shows? Fingers crossed!
  6. They’ll be rescheduled! Most will at least?
  7. ☹️I had two more shows coming up in March Guster and Thom Yorke
  8. State curfews in Connecticut, NY and NJ what a surreal world we are living in!
  9. Give don’t believe the truth another shot it’s great!
  10. I agree however I enjoy them both
  11. I agree almost 100% however don’t believe the truth was a great later day oasis album. It came down to the swagger, attitude and timing of the music in my opinion. First two albums as mentioned were unbelievable!
  12. Real Estate paying a record store by me
  13. Saw Jay play trace a few years ago so and he brought out Eric so that was neat
  14. For sure! They are all proficient musician and songwriters I also enjoy watching Chris play drums he seems to have so much fun doing it!
  15. As always a fun show. Such a tight band never understood how they didn’t get their due in America! It’s fun watching them all switch instruments too.
  16. Maybe now is the time to open a laquer factory
  17. And now trump is retaliating against Romney by opening up big ears national park for drilling! His retaliation is ruining a national park for everyone but he doesn’t care he is so petty!!!
  18. Ha ha no I don’t but Jeff crowd surfed over me during box full of letters and I still have my ticket stub so that’s good
  19. Ahhh and lots of scenes from my first Wilco show the deli tray incident
  20. I got to hang out with Jay twice. He was a really nice guy! My favorite time was when he toured with Edward Burch.. my friend and I arrived at TT the Bears in Boston early and as I walked in to grab my ticket Jay was playing pool. I said hey and then we had a nice 10 minute or so conversation. I remember during the show he played Venus stop the Train and My Darling which was awesome!
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