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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. Cd set is $59 on Amazon that’s not bad!
  2. Super cryptic message on their face book up for few minutes then dissapeared. Said coming soon and then an announcer kept saying over and over R.E.M. Edit R.E.M. at the bbc
  3. Agree also on foo’s and probably wouldn’t see them again. However if they announced they’d play self titled debut in entirety I’d be there in an instant.
  4. On the good news front I’m a third time uncle today!
  5. Jeff’s nyc show but one get one free with octbogo code got to buy by aug 28
  6. Thanks Mountain appreciate the thorough advice and it makes sense. I kinda was hoping to upgrade 1 piece at a time but maybe it makes sense for me to wait and save up so I can do it all at once. I have some thinking and lots of research to go! Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction
  7. I got a Stanton 61 turntable don’t have much room to space new speakers maybe 6 inches off wall? I was primarily going to use the stereo to hookup to my turntable. I appreciate any help
  8. I’m not sure if I am ready to take a deep dive yet but if you have recommends on those I’m all ears. I looked at one store yesterday and felt overwhelmed
  9. Thank you everyone I appreciate everyone’s words and kind thoughts.
  10. Thank you we were supposed to see him again this weekend and I hope I don’t have to broach this topics with my three and six year old who adored him
  11. Thanks still trying to process this event
  12. I’m gutted. Today my wife’s cousin commited suicide. We just saw him Sunday. We had a great weekend together. He was having financial issues but otherwise was his old happy self. It’s devistating and I keep replaying the weekend over in my head.
  13. Looking for a new stereo system that I can hook my record player up to. Any recommendations I’m Thinking of spending up to $1k
  14. Was looking to go somewhere over Labor Day drivable from me and am thinking Ottawa. Anyone been? Fun city? Stuff to do? I’ll prob be going with my 6 year old son.
  15. Yeah it was real nice! He played lots of FOW songs including the b side I’ll do the driving one of my favs. Got to talk to him a bit after the show too it was a great time! I put up the setlist in setlist.fmHere’s a vid I shot
  16. Look Park (Chris Collingwood from Fountains of Wayne) house concert
  17. Yeah Petty didn’t switch it up too much. I did see him at the Beacon Theater where he veered off the setlist some which was great! Southern Accents, Girl on LSD, Time to Move On, Honey Bee and Cabin Down Bellow which I requested to Tom before the show!!
  18. Was front for the last two shows
  19. as long as I hear that someday live I’ll be satisfied!
  20. Speaking of U2 saw them twice this tour left first show a little early to catch a train and had no problem doing so because I’d know I hear what I missed at the next show lol
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