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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. Monster has some great tracks! Strange currencies, I took your name and star 69! Give it another listen
  2. Fables is the album I keep going back to! Green growes the rushes and auctioneer love it!!
  3. It was a great show. Had fun even met Kurt by accident before the show! I also think I spotted BBOP in the pit. I only met him one time before but I am pretty sure it was him.
  4. ^I am a firm believer that people hole dear the albums that they got into a band with. Automatic was the 2nd or 3rd album I bought by them. It was this album that made me become a fan and it is this style more so then their 80's stuff that got me into them. Not to say I don't hold dear the first 6 albums or so but this is the band that I knew as R.E.M. I was also 12 at the time and my music taste were still forming. Going back and thinking about their catalog this is my favorite of theirs but I think it was a combo of right place, right time for me.
  5. It seems like many shows their are sparsely attended. I think it’s a combo of people don’t know the venue exist and or the artist are usually lesser known. Glad you had a great time! Tonight I’m seeing Michael Stipe, Patti Smith, Flea and a bunch more at Carnegie Hall
  6. Nice give me your thoughts after
  7. This the one at Monty Hall you were asking about?
  8. Beach Fossils! Prob one of my favorite albums from this year! Anyone else like them?
  9. Oh wow. Sorry to hear about the health issues. Maybe you can play it by ear day of? I wish you the best in your recovery.
  10. Not too shabby! Ironically when I met him it was the with teeth tour in 05 not their joint tour
  11. True the timing was great! Fun fact I met David Bowie at a nine inch nails concert it was one of the most surreal concert experiences I ever had!
  12. Yeah nine inch nails is a funny band for me I had a few albums liked some songs but then saw them live and like you said they deliver in the live form! I’d say in reality I’m a lukewarm fan at best! Still even though I haven’t bought a nin album in 10 plus years I’ll always catch them live if I can!
  13. They had some minor radio hits in the 90’s. Alt grunge maybe a good description for them.. Superman’s Dead was the biggest one. Somewhere out there got a little traction too. They’re not groundbreaking by any stretch but I enjoyed their spiritual machines album and a few others
  14. Even more impressive you got that shot then! Our Lady Peace tonight haven’t seen them in ages
  15. Nice can’t wait! Thanks for the follow up! Neat shot. Get to speak to them?
  16. Nice please give a follow up later! Seeing them in 2 weeks
  17. True. Anyone from NJ knows how he gutted Atlantic City if that is not a clue how he handles things just from a business side I don’t know what would be.
  18. So random..hear King of You of all songs in a Blaze Pizza shop
  19. Damn it! Too many of my favorites are dying young! Loved the hip! Never understood how they had zero popularity in the USA. Saw them three times once on Canada Day in Central Park nyc which was epic. Going to miss them big time.
  20. M Doughty performing Irresistable Bliss
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