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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. Ok Phish back at MSG after a long absence for a new years run! Well kidding about the long absence!
  2. Umm I was in 7th grade but bought this the day it came out! This album turned me into a fan
  3. ^yes..I did so I did hear it in some live form this week lol
  4. ^Don't sweat Grandmaster..I never have been so disappointed I think before. He spun everyone else's songs and did NOTHING of his own! How does he not do the Message!!!
  5. ^yes..well the NYC might be a little different however. Ticket time was 7:30 Preservation Hall Jazz Club got on then then about 8:20 Grandmaster Flash Came on.. Arcade Fire came on 9 played to 11. I don't think Boston has two openers...
  6. ^Nice..Garden is tough to sneak into different section these days but I'll keep a lookout for you!
  7. ^Yeah nice changes band sounded great! I'll be watching the LA setlist out of curiosity myself! ^^Where you sitting Carol? I'm in 417 Row 3 on the aisle.
  8. ^thanks..Been seeing them since Neon Bible tour. Not wild about last two albums but the shows are always entertaining. Can't knock them for the $36 ticket which included the new album. That is very cheap by NYC standards!
  9. Still on cloud 9 from Wednesday
  10. ^yes they did..I never heard of them prior to last night but they were decent.
  11. Willie Nelson..Sheryl Crow is opening
  12. Yeah he looks 10 years younger now
  13. A picture from last night my friend took who was with me
  14. ^ Thanks! Crazy how time flies!
  15. I know the thread is titled today but I have to speak about yesterday. A big day for me... 1) My oldest started Kindergarden!!! 2) Attended an interview session at the aol building with Stereophonics and band I have enjoyed and liked for 15 years. Met Kelly and Richard Jones got pictures with them and participated in the Q and A 3) Saw Filthy Friends of which Peter Buck's is a member..After the show I spotted Michael Stipe in the crowd. I finally "met" him and spoke to him for about a minute which was beyond a thrill for me as R.E.M. has been my number 1 favorite since I was 9!! On top of th
  16. ^ah yes..Saw that show too. Kurt was more reserved with Alejandro. Last night he was doing windmills, running around and jumping and bouncing off the walls. Looks like he was having the time of his life!!!
  17. By the way I was maybe 30 in line so I got against the stage but I was directly in front of Kurt
  18. Show was great a Kurt is a showman but more importantly I spoke to Michael Stipe someone I have idolized musically for almost 30 years of my 37 year old life!! I asked for a picture with him but he declined still was friendly asked me my name and said thanks so it was surreal for me.
  19. Aiming to be close to Peter but will be watching closely
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