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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. On their blistering one date Us tour.. Stereophonics
  2. Darn it! I really got into them in the last 5 years. Such a great band. Just saw them last year perform the Royal Scam my favorite album of theirs. I'll miss them
  3. They'll change it up I'm sure then they'll take out Barrel of a gun which I have missed every single time lol but still excited
  4. Nice seeing them on the 11th at msg!
  5. Ok help me here how do you add the album artwork on to the board...Anyway listening to the new LCD Soundsystem and also Washed Out
  6. In my hometown there is a free concert from Pat DiNizio of the Smithereens he is a long time resident so I'll check it out
  7. ^Come to Jersey City or the Beacon!
  8. ^wow..atticus glad you're ok. I had some family friends who were under mandatory evacuation it sounds unbelievable. Stay safe and keep us posted. Glad no damage yet for you and your family.
  9. ^saw that the other day..maybe she is low on cash! Yeah this continues the trend of squeezing people who aren't uber wealth out of shows...I feel bad for kids who are fans and parents who can't afford to take the family out for the one or two shows a year they go to.
  10. ^ I hear you. I was a dispatcher during hurricane sandy. From working with Fema to working my job dispatching utility trucks it is pure chaos. A lot of these companies are on such tight budgets they don't want to spend any money by preparing in advanced. It is always wait and see approach which is why some of the recoveries take so long. That being said I have nothing but praise for the first responders and utility workers who risk their lives in times of need.
  11. Excited to see Washed Out tonight for the first time. Really enjoying the new album!
  12. Alice Cooper for $10 why not : )
  13. Wow the big 50!!! Happy Birthday Jeff!
  14. Looks terrible...Stay strong Texas!
  15. Ran into one of my favorite musicians on the streets of NYC! Sorry the picture is sideways!
  16. They Mighf Be Giants for free.. then seeing God Street Wine
  17. Thanks it's at a new venue in Jersey City so I'm excited on seeing someone I haven't seen before in a venue I have never been to.
  18. At a coworkers insistsnce I am seeing John Doe tonight
  19. The smaller club shows service fees are consistently in the 30-50% range!
  20. Def not JW...at least not in NYC...its more a percentage of the ticket price. At MSG for Clapton for instance as I had two different tickets in different sections the $75 ticket had a $17 sc and the $195 had a $35 service charge on it!!
  21. ^It is bonkers im just hoping by searching for a single ticket in the middle of the run in one of the two cheaper sections will get me in..but who knows..but my guess the service charge will be north of $100!
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