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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. Excepting the economics PhD and the $500K, pretty much.
  2. Damn if I knew McCain had a PhD in economics, made over 500K a year and hated Mexicans, I probably would have voted for him.
  3. Wow Louie, that was a nice sentiment, I only hope that this is the type of progressive thinking and direction we can look forward to going ahead.
  4. Did someone steal your kidneys and leave you in an ice filled bathtub in a motel in Canada?
  5. You should have just put a boot in his ass, Toby. * Just kidding.
  6. I'm pretty sure this is what he was calling asinine:
  7. If this was 1988 I don't think you all would like that Palin rendering quite as much after it helped secure the Metal vote pushing McCain/Palin over the top.
  8. "Wait, my taxes went up too, I'm not wealthy!"
  9. These Radiohead lyrics were playing as I read your post. Perhaps it's time to rethink your position. When I am king you will be first against the wall With your opinion which is of no consequence at all Whats that, whats that
  10. We're being taken over by Tripod?
  11. OK so say you are the school board/administration and you ask for $10 million for new facilities and to hire more teachers for the growing student population. In and of itself quite a respectable request. The problem arises when once the voter
  12. It really depends. I've recently vote no because we passed one 6 years ago for a much needed new high school and middle school. After the abuses and misspending on those two facilities, i.e. 3000 square foot vaulted ceiling granite atriums, radiused walls in every corridor, and a new "administrative building" that would make some architectural digest contributors green with envy, I need to see more accountability before I can vote yes in good conscience again. I don't have a problem funding necessities but I've seen to many examples of how easy it is to spend other people
  13. I don't know, I just know I can budget and live my life within a set of parameters, is it so bad to expect the governmet to do the same? So I should just shut up and pay my taxes then? And those making over 250K annually who are worth their capitalist salt will find every way to take advantage of this exact situation to negate any of the tax rhetoric that has been spewed in the last six months.
  14. I'm fixated on a number so I can figure out how much I need to pay so I can live my life without being a "bad guy" who doesn't want to do the right thing because he questions the system. It also helps for budgeting purposes since taxes supersede everything else. So you think a combine rate of 65% is reasonable?
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