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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. I love how statements that some may find objectionable are always take in the most extreme of contexts. I was simply pointing out that people
  2. I would love to revisit this thread in the distant future when some of you become moderately successful or when you reach retirement age and you start to spend your retirement funds at a time when you have limited tax deductions and most everything becomes ordinary income.
  3. awesome. Edit: are you the dude who used to post with commentary from his talking dog?
  4. Turn in your Wilco Fan membership card on your way out. you too
  5. Not being pro-Obama equates to being pro-McCain as "you are either with us or with the terrorists." Awesome. P.S. "Spell-check" keeps trying to change Obama to Osama, coincidence? I think not.
  6. I'm pretty sure Rush Limbaugh and his ilk will do just fine regardless of an Obama victory, I'd wager his ratings actually go up in that eventuality.
  7. Dude, he's frothing. George W. Bush stole his kid's college fund.
  8. I love to ignore the air of superiority and reply to your crap anyway so here I go. I've not debated your points because I like to spread the blame around, I find it much easier to look at the parties involved and assign responsibility that way. Find where I said I found deregulation innocent in any of this. As far as anecdotal, I guess since I'm a licensed real estate agent, own ten rental units and am an accountant for a construction design and engineering firm, the experience I have with this is meaningless. OK please explain to me what Interest Only ARM's, Stated Income/No Asset loans
  9. My Grandmother and Grandfather are concerned every election cycle that the Republicans are going to take away their medications and their Social Security, is that fear mongering?
  10. Let me spell this out as simply as possible: I know Obama is not a terrorist, and those that actually believe this would believe something else as equally absured if this wasn't out there. Therefore, I DON'T CARE. I find both campaigns to be pandering and disingenuous and do not support either.
  11. Are you serious? It's been well established that a huge number of these NINA (no income, no asset) and stated income loans are fraudulent. These financial professional, especially those who hold a license should be held to a higher standard. Don't try and push it off to just deregulation. The mortgage industry was a huge "nod, nod, wink, wink" system based on inflated values and cheap money for the last five years.
  12. I've got a crazy idea, but maybe this douchebag was reffering to those who actually perpetrated crimes, i.e. committed fraud, and was hoping McCain would actually support the use of current laws to prosecute these people rather than fall back on the old "we will enact new legislation to take care of this problem" theory. Of course this would be off base because this entire mess is entirely the fault of deregulation and the Republican party. You never fail to deliver.
  13. You know if I was a registered Republican and supported McCain, I might possibly care about who may be the worst mudslinger in this campaign. You can talk until you are blue in the face and I will still find Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin to be equally douchey.
  14. Huh, you seem pretty frothy and you seem to be on the Obama side of the coin. My point is in this campaign both parties are blaming each other for the exact same problems that this country faces, economic meltdown, etc. While neither accepts even the remotest responsibility for any of it. I'm sure this is where you'll come back and remind me how when Clinton left office everyone was financially secure, Unicorns weren't on the endangered species list and this all falls directly on the shoulders of the Republican Party and W. Bush.
  15. I don't really feel anything. I see no innocents in either side of this campaign. If these rumors were coming from the Bob Barr camp, then I might.
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