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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. Whatever, I wasn't talking to you. I guess I'm way off base with the majorty of the last 20 pages being about how stupid/moronic/idiotic Palin is? How's about you get off your soap box.
  2. I'll take a page out of you book (although I'm quite sober) and reply 8 hours after the fact. I didn't see you actually respond to anything I said so let me clarify a bit. I don't really feel the need to post long diatribes because for the most part they fall upon deaf ears. As of late these threads seem to be for piling up on whatever Republican, conservative or neocon is the villain of the week, for example Governor Palin. While many of these concerns are well founded, a greater percentage of these posts serve as nothing more than a group of like minded individuals hi-fiving each other and
  3. If Palin supplants McCain and pushes her oppressive agenda forcing the overturn of Roe V. Wade (forcing rape victims to bear unwanted babies) thus making the Executive Branch the most powerful branch of government, I will eat my Skechers in public, video tape it and send you a link to the YouTube post.
  4. Could you explain to me where she wants to force 16 year olds to have rapists' babies?
  5. That was quite Palin-esque of you. I'm done with your shrill posts. (not you J.nick)
  6. If you don't want to take the time to comprehend posts and just want to continue posting your opinions, don't bother quoting.
  7. Just my opinion. We'll see on the first Wednesday in November won't we. And who's being discussed more? I've yet to see any in-depth discussion of the great changes/ideas the Obama/Biden ticket are offering. The focus for the last weeks is on everything but these ideas, i.e. old, dying candidates, moronic VP choices, bad interviews, etc. Have you ever heard the saying "bad publicity is better than no publicity"? Edit: Nice jab you slipped in there btw.
  8. It's just my opinion; much like the ones everyone else has here, except mine isn't of the popular sort. This election has been off the rails for months and has been one distraction after another. Despite the best of debates set forth on this forum, I'm afraid this will fall to being a popularity contest for most Americans. I just think that when it comes to pulling the lever the McCain/Palin ticket will, at the end of the day, snag more of the type of voters who aren't exactly passionate about finding out every aspect of the candidates and are sold on a couple of sound bites or talking points.
  9. Today he is. Or maybe he's just less anti-Obama today. I get confused.
  10. Glad to see we were able to keep the thread theme on the issues and well thought out discussions of these issues rather than falling back into Biden is a dick, Palin is a moron, etc. News flash, regardless of party affiliation, these people will not be the ones paying to clean up these messes. This election we will get exactly what we deserve as a country. Regardless of whichever hack gets elected.
  11. I should have put the stipulation in that these industries need a makeover and a change of direction in my prior statement. Of course I'll stand by my assertion that housing is going to be stalled for along time, unless we create a bunch of new jobs through out the country. IMO this bank bail out could be a case of throwing good money after bad.
  12. I must respectfully disagree with this assumption, yes the 20% person could have gotten the nice 30 year fixed, but I know for a fact there are 30 year loan products available with zero to 5% down (I've used three of them in the last 12 months personally). The whole problem is that Countrywide, Wachovia, Chase, Ditech, et al promoted interest only arms, negative amortizations and the like because these products are front loaded with better fee's and theoretically have a much better return over the life of the loan. They (the lenders) provided great incentives to mortgage brokers to push these
  13. The only risk you may face is if you HAVE to sell your house at a deprciated price due to market conditions. If you are happy where you are and with your payment I don't see this being adverse unless you need to tap your equity (or lack there of). It will come around again.
  14. So you don't see a difference between someone who walks into closing with $36,600 (20% of$ 183,000) from saving, selling off stuff, scrimping, etc. and someone who walks into closing with a receipt for $600 for 6 months of pre-paid homeowners insurance? If scenerio A goes into a foreclosure they are out a substantial ammount of real money, scenario b is out what? Some rent and a dinged up credit score. Also:
  15. Not irrespolsible in the least to not put a down-payment down, it is what it is. That was the industry. I just find it laughable that we have this giant "forclosure" problem when the majority of the homeowners in that situation were really just renters for all practical purposes. The banks and lenders are the ones in a real crisis. I do feel for the homeowners who actually put a substantial amount down or re-fied and ended up in a junk loan though.
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