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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. When Jesus and I are drinking beer and playing lawn jarts in heaven, I'm going to laugh at all you non-believers burning in the fiery pits of hell.
  2. I think it's a combination of the "artistic left brain" thing and a lifestyle/social surroundings. For the most part artists do it to express themselves, very few do it to become rich, with the exception of Kiss and Motley Crue (we can argue artistic value at another time). That is why they gravitate more to the left IMO. Edit: I also don't find Wilco to be overtly political in particular.
  3. Just a thought, but instead of complaining about this threads relevance and placement in the "Wilco Section" maybe you could PM a mod and have them review the current thread. I'm sure if the content is sufficiently off topic, they could merge this with one of the other 3 current similar threads. Carry on.
  4. I used to watch Ned & Stacey re-runs too, but I haven't seen them in years.
  5. I only watch House, Robot Chicken and re-runs of Wings.
  6. Wait, so people who defend the comedic merits of the current SNL program are questioning other
  7. You are either with Obama or you are a McCain supporter/defender/neocon/fascist.
  8. Eddie Murphy was a pretty funny guy.
  9. P.S. ban flick ban flick ban flick
  10. Today I'm wearing Dunks. I'm sure that's throwing you way off.
  11. Dude let it go. We need to concern ourselves with some wacky religious dude from the Yukon.
  12. I find this much more frightening than concerning myself over McCain
  13. Watch the clip, she clearly states it's not a McCain/Palin Policy, it's merely her belief.
  14. I didn't get the whole I will force you to carry an unwanted child vibe from watching the clip in question, of course I'm of the belief that the Roe V. Wade decision is quite safe from overturn regardless of whom get's elected. "Jude 6-Pack"
  15. I liked it. I also sport the Doc Martens. It all depends on whom I'm associating with at that particular time.
  16. If you read back I noted that there were legitimate concerns voiced. How ever "PALIN WANTS TO FORCE 16 YEAR OLDS TO CARRY RAPIST INCESTOUOUS BABIES
  17. For one people who respond or quote me to actually read the words, comprehend them and respond within that context. Other than that, nothing really. Of course that may be expecting too much. I think Neil pretty much nailed the whole deal in here last night.
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