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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. Just an FYI, when 300 million angry Chinamen come marching through Minnesota (via Alaska-Bering Strait) I'm not going to put up much of a fight on your behalf. Just saying.
  2. 2,974 dead from an attack by a foreign power (don't start with semantics I'm referring to the terrorists) 4,081 dead from a tragic natural disaster and poor civil engineering
  3. Rally against capitalism! Actually I don't think people shopping, trying to keep our consumer economy going after an attack on arguably our biggest financial center is such a bad thing.
  4. I saw that dudes show once and he ate this cheeseburger that was smothered in like 7 pounds of melted shredded cheddar cheese. I found it inspiring.
  5. I could scan it for you, I actually found it the other day when I was cleaning out a closet. I got a ribbon and $20, back in the day that was kind of a big deal.
  6. One last question, how are we quantifying who
  7. In first grade, I wrote an essay about how trees are good.
  8. I think that one dude is kind of witty. Of course I like to go against the grain in these political threads.
  9. OK, and I should assume that all involved were interviewed by the Executive branch correct?
  10. Just so I'm clear, everyone involved in the corrupt oil broker sex scandal thing was a Republican right?
  11. They should expel him for the remainder of the school year. Zero tolerance means zero tolerance.
  12. Not the Gary and MChris finally got it on thread I was expecting.
  13. How can Obama lose with people such as yourself supporting him as vocally as humanly possible? Well, Kenya is closer to the Fertile Crescent than say Arizona.
  14. I may be smug and arrogant but I've also noticed quite a few posters in here who seem to exemplify that very quality. I may not be the smartest guy in the room but I'm pretty good at taking care of things close to home and making well thought out decisions, regardless of what you may think.
  15. Sorry, but Biden come off as a smug and arrogant prick IMO. He seems to view himself as being the "smartest person in the room" a majority of the time and I'm sure he would assume that I'm not smart enough to do what's best for myself, my family, or my local community, hence the necessity for him to make those decisions for me. And if you don't think likeability or impressions are at least part of the equation you are delirious. This goes for more than just politics.
  16. At least I'm sure Palin isn't Muslim.
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