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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. And your point is? I'd rather not see any sort of bailout, of course the FDIC (with it's current reserves) is far from being able to cover all of the deposits in one of these banks, much less when multiple banks go under. Sort af a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario in my book.
  2. I guess I could argue that the afore mentioned rich dudes could be so philanthropic because they made obscene amounts of money in a capitalistic market and maybe they were so successful because they were not burdened by any morals that were instilled by their religious beliefs. Of course that would be pure speculation into their beliefs and states of mind while they were earning these fortunes and whilst giving them away.
  3. It will take care of that itself. P.S I'm a whitey, college grad. Does this help you in anyway?
  4. Your skills and ability to be persuasive are/is wasted here, you should really volunteer for you local Obama election office and focus your efforts there.
  5. These "sketchy loan" products were made for exactly your situation high income, decent assets, and short verification periods. They were created just for that purpose; you didn't fit into the nice HUD/Fannie/Freddie secondary market guidelines. They were never intended for the majority of potential homeowners to use to purchase their primary residence. They are inherently risky loans and there is quite a premium to the cost of the funds.
  6. Some B & C paper (sub prime, 3/5 ARMs, Negative Am's) paid 2 to 4 points to loan originaters vs, .5 to 1 point for a nice 30 year fixed. It's pretty easy to see why these products were pushed by mortgage companies.
  7. Last year my father was experiencing dizziness and near black outs after physical exertion, he went in for a stress check and they determined he had some pretty sever arterial blockage. He went in for an outpatient stint procedure and was done in one day. Pretty impressive. He went back later (approx 6 weeks) for a follow up stress test. Two days later the hospital calls and tells him he needs to come in right away because the results of the follow up stress test showed no improvement so obviously their must have been some complications with the procedure (keep in mind my father was feeling gr
  8. True, and now I know where he gets his material: NSFW This is a declaration of war on the image hero universe! I
  9. That or the vast majority here have your poser agnostic wannbe atheist butt on ignore.
  10. Actually it's your reading comprehension that is "fucking retarded". Within the context of Mr. Nickerson post and calling out the evils done by religions as a justification for "evangelical atheism" my painting in a broad stroke and brining up some of the evils done by the former Soviet Union based in part on your beloved Atheist principals is quite valid. To say evils done by Muslims/Christians/Scientologists/Jews is based solely on a belief in a higher power is no different than calling the USSR Atheist State acting upon those principals. Of course I may expect too much from you, I'm sure
  11. Is English your native language? I get the feeling you run every post through Babblefish and are losing huge chunks in the process.
  12. When I see an Obama '08 sign I kick it over and light a homeless person on fire.* * This is a joke.
  14. Huh? She's got the Russian Bear under control. Nobody f@#$! with 300 million angry Chinamen.
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