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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. Tots are making a comeback!
  2. I don't really care about Joe or his plans to purchase a plumbing business or not or any revenues, it just seemed you were quite concerned with his license status and I thought a clarification was in order. Carry on.
  3. Blasphemer! Ditto, of course she's into NASCAR so no accounting for taste.
  4. Baked potato subset. I can't include everything.
  5. Whatever, don't sully up my thread with your negativity, this is a positive environment and an important subject matter.
  6. How can Country Fries be ahead of Tot's, I mean really?
  7. Damn, I can't change that either.
  8. I added a third question to cover some of the potato off-shoots I may have overlooked. Also, no Tot love? WTF?
  9. JUDE


    I like to think of it as morbid curiosity. I
  10. I think THDW is actually Hayes Carll.
  11. I'd take NWA over Nickleback any day of the week.
  12. I agree with this to a certain extent. I have no intention of voting for McCain just because of some of the factors you listed. Unfortunately alot of voters will vote for McCain rather as a vote against the opposition rather than a vote of support for McCain. Much like the voters who voted for Kerry - "I'm not voting for Kerry per se, I'm voting against Bush".
  13. No you are entirely correct, that is the entire crux of the debate though, what I feel is important or a correct course of action is not necessarily what you find the same. Some are having a hard time understanding this crucial difference and are writing it off to mental illness on the part of those who don
  14. I actually don't get, you need to define "better candidates" while leaving out personal preference and subjectivity in the definition. For the record, I'm not debating you on anything.
  15. No seriously, are you saying you typically vote straight Democrat but if you didn't you'd vote Democrat today because of the Republicans? So are you saying you would vote straight Republican in an alternate universe but you'd switch in the current election? I really don't get what you are trying to say.
  16. Actually I am nuts, I do the majority of my posting from the psych ward of the local hospital.
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