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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. You are an aberration in today's housing market. The majority of people didn't put down 5%, much less 20%.
  2. My favorite output from the band came during Bennett's involvement.
  3. Also, I think Congress should just fund the FDIC to cover the depositors under $100,000 per their charter and let the chips fall where they may. The huge banks that played fast and loose with their money will fail, small banks will do what they need to survive and eventually this will all take care of itself. We
  4. The problem with the credit crunch is two-fold. One, the FDIC doesn
  5. Dennis Miller > Bill Maher X infinity
  6. It's odd that anyone actually watches this turd anymore.
  7. So you propose a wholesale shift in tax policy to an asset basis from an income basis? How do we establish an equitable valuation system? Someone who had a high net worth from real estate holdings five years ago is probably not too well off with the current devaluation of that asset. I'd like to see some details from your fix rather than the regular "we need to tax the bejesus out of the rich and affluent".
  8. Once again, we've reached the point where I'm gonna need a decoder ring to decipher your posts.
  9. If you look back at the agricultural sector, including support industries and manufacturing, they were well in decline in 1999-2000. The company I worked for at the time was caught in this and still hasn't recovered. So the car was in an uncontrollable skid prior to Bush taking office if you want to continue the crash analogy.
  10. 1. Drive in diners. 2. Cool cars and artistic designs in the auto industry. 3. A pretty decent economic boom. 4. Engineer boots, tee shirts and leather jackets (smokes rolled in sleeves optional) 5. Buddy Holly 6. A family could have a pretty decent standard of living with just one income earner 7. AM radio 8. etc.
  11. Call me a right wing American Graffiti loving nut job, but I think the 1950's were pretty swell.
  12. All you Lib's got about 30 day's to make nice with Jules, Ikol and myself if you don't want to spend the next few years being waterboarded in a camp outside of Boise.
  13. Ignorance? Is that exclusive to religious people?
  14. If the people driving those roller skates known as smart cars want to travel at 45 mph on the interstate, I will say a little prayer to the gods of mass and inertia for them.
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