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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. I for one embrace the new Bobbob1313, I'll PM you the secret neocon handshake and a schedule of our meetings.
  2. I'll confer with Jules and see if we can let you into our secret neocon society. As a rule I don't think we're big on Jews but I'll check. I'll PM you the secret code/handshake if they approve you.
  3. I think this is a good start for a party platform. You should start one, I'd support it.
  4. What other choice is there? I'll never vote for the Green(Soylent) Party because it's people!
  5. I don't want to cut your post up but I find this to be quite rich. This board defines "homogenous" when it comes to political beliefs.
  6. Nor does yours if I remember correctly; of course that hasn't stopped you from sharing your vast wisdom in this thread.
  7. Thanks for another sexist misogynistic post!
  8. Hmm, I thought abstinence was based upon science, you know the whole "it's the only 100% fool proof method of birth control" thing. I didn't know Moses came down from the mount with abstinence as one of his talking points.
  9. What is to be considered "decent" is quite subjective no?
  10. Minnesota. You want my home number to darling?
  11. If only. Of course I probably wouldn't enjoy it as I'd be too worried about Biden stealing my wallet during the encounter.
  12. 20 pages, still not convinced Obama is the one, keep trying people!
  13. Ya think? Yeah he brought his A material today for sure!
  14. I must have missed that notification from the RNC that the entire platform would be tossed out in favor of focusing entirely on baby-killing.
  15. Page 12, still not convinced...
  16. Yeah, I'm still not convinced the DFL is the answer, you'll have to try harder. Thanks.
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