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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. Neither party offered a candidate I felt like supporting, neither did any of the alternate parties.
  2. The resemblance is uncanny. Just add a perv stache'.
  3. Unfortunately this is the problem with politics/government today, this assumption is the rule rather than the exception. Politicians in general seem to think that as a whole the citizenry must be told what to do across the board because we are all to stupid to figure out anything for ourselves. You can go back to discussing the merits of properly inflated tires and doggy style now.
  4. Calm down, I know cars have basically been distrubutor-less for two decades or more.
  5. Come on, plugs, wires, check the points and rotor. That kind of stuff.
  6. And the left is immune from this sort of behavior I'm to assume?
  7. Could someone tell me where I am on the evolutionary scale? I've been know to watch a little NASCAR (gasp) and have even been known to go to our local short track (NASCAR sanction) and drink (double gasp) domestic tap beer on a Friday night. Thanks.
  8. Hmm, I never ever heard William Jefferson Clinton being used.
  9. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=w2yv8aT0UFc
  10. I think ya'll are being a bit hard on our Canadian friends, I'm sure they were all so distracted watching the Kids in the Hall or listening to the New Pornographers on their Ipods that they never even knew what was going on until it was too late.
  11. Nothing funnier than some poorly done Photoshop work.
  12. I like Neil Young but to be honest he hasn't really done anything in the last 15 years that really moved me.
  13. Well, back in your old neighborhood anyway.
  14. Humphry doesn't get nearly enough love these days.
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