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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. I knew a guy in college who was nick named "dibs".
  2. I am flattered to no end that you hold me in the same high regard as Mr. Ron (matt1036) Cey. But alas I am a separate person, sorry to disappoint.
  3. I was going to stay out of this today but, this thread actually has these two sides, "save the environment, but we all know their is only one way to do that", and "if you think oil isn't a great evil and a blight upon the world, you are a shallow, self concerned demon capitalist".
  4. So Obama is not a member of the Taliban?
  5. So you can judge (the sense of) taste objectively? This is a joke right? I like what I like.
  6. I don't mind a nice domestic beer, i.e. Michelob Light, etc. You beer elitists can kiss my entire ass.
  7. I had no malice intended in my post, but unless you are on the Internet from a public library trying to find a job don't try and make the argument you are poor. You do a great disservice to people who are actually struggling to survive.
  8. Rich Asshole, get it right. P.S. Did you see Diddy has a new "Top Shelf Vodka"? Pretty damn good, not like the crappy Grey Goose.
  9. How many of you're waking hours are spent trying to survive, find food or shelter? If you think you are poor I'd say you need to re-think your time managment plan and find additional sources of income, unless you can figure out a way to get paid by the post.
  10. I'm not begrudging you any choices or opportunities, throw on those Birkenstocks and jump on your bike path, I have no problem helping fund those sorts of things.
  11. Edit: OWL You obviously aren't familiar with the saying tongue-in-cheek, huh.
  12. I'm not rich in the least, but I am comfortable. Sorry, not to fit into your classist attack.
  13. No but having the free time, since you're not an indentured servant working for some conservative land owner, to rally for these rights is a by product of a high standard of living. Hmm, maybe Bush's lifting of the ban was a way for his buddies to short these futures thus wiping out the retirement funds of these poor folks and making billions of dollars in the process. Bwahhaha.
  14. I haven't argued against anything, christ. I'm just a proponent of options and people being just a tad realistic with their expectations for any transit system. Oh and rest assured, if gas hits $8 a gollon, I will still be able to afford to "cruise around" at will.
  15. How many people in China are on the Internet debating the use of oil to increase the standard of living to the detriment of mother earth? That's the funny thing about liberals; they don
  16. I have no problem investing in long term fixes, I have a real problem in limiting options, i.e. drilling bans, carbon credits, etc. In the case of oil, current costs are not so much a product of demand, supply or capacity as they are of market factors, i.e. trading. The market has been artificially inflated (opinion) due to an arbitrary limit set on supply (drilling limitations and bans) and removing the variable of new sources coming on line. The buzz of late seems to be bashing on those nasty commodities traders (futures) but guess what we give them the safest way to hedge their bets by sa
  17. I don't understand why people can't see the need to utilize the current system in the most economic way possible until we can phase in new systems. We are a nation that has the luxury of low population density, hence cars. Europe does not. Hence they never developed the reliance on the automobile. I see no benefit in limiting the supply of oil to the detriment of our standard of living for ideas that will take decades if not centuries to implement. Last time I heard, light rail, subways, busses cost quite a bit to build and maintain. The environmental argument is secondary to my concerns
  18. Word has it that Europe also has a couple of thousand years head start on building their urban centers and infrastructure.
  19. Um, ok. So my second question, if we as a nation sacrifice our standard of living in order to save our planet form impending doom at the hands of humans, do you actually believe that developing industrial nations will make the same sacrifice? If you answer yes, I have some interesting investment opportunities I'd like to discuss with you..
  20. Yeah, because the science on this is undisputed. Just say hypothetically we banned fossil fuel usage in our great-enlightened country, we returned to a communal agrarian lifestyle. Do you actually think that China, India, and Pakistan are going to forego cheap energy in order to save the ice caps? Please, in your own words.
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