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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. As a Republican, fear mongering is my M.O.
  2. Wait, you're having a baby and naming it Lyric too?
  3. How does one run the Fry station via telecommuting?
  4. James Burton (Even though he plays Fenders)
  5. Depending on how she self-funded the campaign, there could be some pretty serious tax implications if she just forgave $10M. Of course being a Democrat, paying a bunch of taxes for the good of the people shouldn
  6. I was just paraphrasing Hillary from her speach. I think she stressed the 18/35 miliion voted thing two or three times.
  7. long ride, that you are taking me on a long strange ride long ride, that you are taking me on a long strange ride keep sunrise, you can forget sunset i want to see the sun in the middle of the sky 'cause the dawn and the dying light have gathered too much meaning and i want to feel numb there must be something else we haven't found on this long strange ride long night and even longer day i'm so sorry, i've been travelling blind high time you rest your weary eyes love, it's been a long strange ride there must be something else we haven't found on this long strange ride
  8. Well she did get 18 million of the 35 million votes cast in the Democratic primaries.
  9. 16City/24Hwy est. The puppy-kitten hybrid will be much more efficient I'm told.
  10. I of course have the benefit of historical perspective being able to look back 30 years, but trying to build a coal fire power plant these days is equivalent to trying to market an SUV powered by burning puppies.
  11. Point One: I will concede that Mr. President is correct on the matter of foreign energy dependence being a major problem. Point Two: One could argue that is in a nations best interest to use others natural resources before tapping into ones own. Spare me the morality of this line of thinking. Point Three: Alternative energies are a great and lofty goal, however coal use is as frowned upon as is the use of petroleum. Point Four: Once again the
  12. You know just how to hurt me.
  13. You know me, I'm a giver! Sorry you can't make it.
  14. I can't believe you've sold out your normally somewhat interesting blog in order to become a freaking Air America ElFamous 24-7 knock off. You should change your username to El Olberman cause you're the worst-est. .
  15. True. Just a regional saying I guess. Anyway I'll be out front between 7 and 7:30 and will get my comped tickets at "will call" when the doors open. Offer still stands.
  16. I have an extra if you want to come down.
  17. Tonight at First Ave! Thanks KVSC!
  18. I don't think I was making that argument. I'm making the point that it's not out of line to believe that some voters (who are quite rational about everything else) very well may think that his race can have an adverse effect on his ability to govern or make decisions Also I'd be curious if someone could provide data as to numbers of voters by age group.
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