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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. Zip it pot head. There are three major forms of fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas. All three were formed many hundreds of millions of years ago before the time of the dinosaurs - hence the name fossil fuels. The age they were formed is called the Carboniferous Period. It was part of the Paleozoic Era. "Carboniferous" gets its name from carbon, the basic element in coal and other fossil fuels. The Carboniferous Period occurred from about 360 to 286 million years ago. At the time, the land was covered with swamps filled with huge trees, ferns and other large leafy plants, simi
  2. This is not directed at you directly per say, but this is just more rhetoric. What are the strategic avenues for winning this war on oil? What is the battle plan? Solar power technology has not advanced to the point of being feasible on a large scale, nor has wind power. Hydro is quite efficient but has other adverse side effects, i.e. wildlife and topography. Corn based bio-fuels are grossly inefficient in Btu output and the energy costs associated with production.
  3. Since you brought up the speculators, is it really hard to imagine that if more drilling/production was approved it might have the result of lowering the trading price of crude futures. Futures trading is more about modeling and forecasting than supply and demand, by adamantly refusing to alter the future supply (drilling/production) you are allowing the traders to always bet high, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  4. For all of anti-drilling anti-nuclear proponents, I was just wondering 1.Can we stipulate to the fact that America is an Industrialized nation that has a great need for some sort on energy? 2.That the current meteoric rise in gas prices is having a real/adverse effect on a good portion of the population? 3.That our current push for biofuels is having an adverse on the price of food, compounded by the fuel costs associated with food production/bringing food to market. I guess I
  5. So by quoting this Wiki article how did you prove the framers of the constitution intended for a total seperation of church and state when drafting the constitution?
  6. I may be confused but being somewhat familiar with the constitution and having read the Federalist Papers numerous times, I don't recall the "seperation of church and state" section. I've seen something about the government shall not legislate a state relegion, i.e. the Church of England being the official religion of well, England.
  7. What could be more hetero than a lazy dude who hates to clean looking for a machine to do it for him? I mean I'm pretty much impervious to dust but I do have my limits. I'd hate to cause a cholera breakout or something.
  8. Did Alice have a cool assed robot vac?
  9. I always tear up a bit during "Meet Joe Black". Probably because it's so freaking long and boring.
  10. I bought the 400 model (entry level/cheapest) and I'm pretty impressed with it actually. It seems to do a good jub and picks up a lot of dirt. It does like two rooms at a time, I got the one without the virtual wall so I physically have to block off the rooms. It does require some maintenance every 3 or 4 uses, blow out filter, remove crap from brushes, etc. As a guy who hates the Vaccum cleaner, I like it.
  11. As the title says I just bought a roomba and am quite impressed with this little gadget. Anyone else have any cool little household items that they really like?
  12. Dude, you have some extremely lofty expectations for pretty much any person who becomes subject for discussion on this board. I hope you lead your own life and day-to-day dealings up holding the same standards you use on everybody else. Knowing full well that you strive for perfection in your own life, I would gladly nominate you for sainthood; of course we know your stance on religion so I will refrain. There, I said it.
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